Sight-Seeing in SPB
Peter and Paul Fortress is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

1. Peter and Paul Fortress

(Петропавловская крепость)
Заячий о., Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Historic and Protected Site · Округ Кронверкское · 426 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: You can walk around the fortress or visit some of the many small museums there, such as the cosmonaut museum or the bastion prison. Surprisingly, there are actually people still living on the island.

Cruiser Aurora is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

2. Cruiser Aurora

(Крейсер «Аврора»)
Петроградская наб., 4 (Петровская наб.), Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
History Museum · Округ Посадский · 135 tips and reviews
Church of the Savior on the Spilled Blood is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

3. Church of the Savior on the Spilled Blood

(Храм «Спас на Крови»)
наб. канала Грибоедова, 2Б, корп. А, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Church · Дворцовый округ · 306 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: The Blood Church was used as an unusually colourful potato storage during the Soviet times. Now there is a museum inside.

The Catherine Palace is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

4. The Catherine Palace

(Екатерининский дворец)
Екатерининский парк (Садовая ул., 7), Пушкин, Санкт-Петербург
Palace · 199 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: My favourite of the palace areas outside of the city. The palace is slightly less glittery than Peterhof, and the gardens are huge and beautiful.

Pavlovsk Palace is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

5. Pavlovsk Palace

(Павловский дворец)
Садовая ул., 20, Павловск, Санкт-Петербург
Palace · 65 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: Pavlovsk is more modest than Petergof or Tsarskoe Selo, as it was built by Catherine the Great for her son.

Smolny Cathedral is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

6. Smolny Cathedral

(Смольный собор)
пл. Растрелли, 1, лит. А, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Church · Округ Смольнинское · 103 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: Smolniy used to be a monastery, but now it houses many faculties of the State University. You can still visit the cathedral and go up to see a view accross the city.

Saint Isaac's Cathedral is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

7. Saint Isaac's Cathedral

(Исаакиевский собор)
Исаакиевская пл., 4, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Church · Адмиралтейский округ · 327 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: Both the insides of the cathedral and the dome are open for public. Especially in the evening you get a great view accross the city from the dome.

Alexander Nevsky Lavra is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

8. Alexander Nevsky Lavra

(Александро-Невская лавра)
наб. р. Монастырки, 1, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Monastery · Округ Лиговка-Ямская · 68 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: The botanical garden is nice to walk around on a hot summer day. Next to it is a graveyard with many famous Russians from earlier centuries.

Beach of Peter and Paul Fortress is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

9. Beach of Peter and Paul Fortress

(Пляж Петропавловской крепости)
Заячий остров, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Beach · Округ Кронверкское · 74 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: The beach of Peter and Paul Fortress serves at summers as a place for sunbathing, sand sculptures and movie festival.

The Kazan Cathedral is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

10. The Kazan Cathedral

(Казанский собор)
Казанская пл., 2 (Казанская ул.), Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Church · Округ № 78 · 160 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: The cathedral is right in the centre and has free entrance, so there is no reason to skip a visit. You'll see some orthodox traditions, as people come here to light candles and pray to the icons.

Summer Garden is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

11. Summer Garden

(Летний сад)
Дворцовая наб., Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Garden · Марсово поле · 478 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: The most famous park in St. Petersburg. You can walk through the park looking at the many statues along the way, or sit on one of the benches to read a book or to observe passers-by.

Field of Mars is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

12. Field of Mars

(Марсово поле)
Марсово поле, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Plaza · Марсово поле · 265 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: Military parades used to be held on this field, now more used for sunbathing and picnics. In the middle of the field, you find an eternal fire to respect fallen soldiers.

Tauride Garden is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

13. Tauride Garden

(Таврический сад)
Потёмкинская ул., 4, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Park · Округ Смольнинское · 286 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: Big and nice park for hanging out, sunbathing and eating ice cream.

Spit of Vasilievsky Island is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

14. Spit of Vasilievsky Island

(Стрелка Васильевского острова)
Биржевая пл., Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Scenic Lookout · Округ № 7 · 185 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: The tip of Vasilievsky island is decorated with pretty floral arrangements and a great view towards Peter-Paul Fortress and the Neva embankment.

Mikhailovsky Garden is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

15. Mikhailovsky Garden

(Михайловский сад)
Садовая ул. (наб. реки Мойки), Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Park · Дворцовый округ · 175 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: One of the nicest parks in the centre, with curly paths and twisted old trees. Behind the Blood Church and Russian Museum.

Palace Square is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

16. Palace Square

(Дворцовая площадь)
Дворцовая пл. (Невский просп.), Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Plaza · Исторический центр · 519 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: The Palace Square in front of the Hermitage is quite striking in its hugeness and with the clear round outline formed by the surrounding buildings.

Vosstaniya Square is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

17. Vosstaniya Square

(Площадь Восстания)
пл. Восстания, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Plaza · Округ Смольнинское · 238 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: This is where you find the Moscow railway station, Galeria shopping centre and the minibusses heading to Finland.

Arts Square is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

18. Arts Square

(Площадь Искусств)
пл. Искусств, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Plaza · Дворцовый округ · 82 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: The round park guarded by Pushkin is a nice place to sit before entering the Russian Museum next to it.

Stroganov Palace is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

19. Stroganov Palace

(Строгановский дворец)
Невский просп., 17 (наб. реки Мойки), Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Art Museum · Округ № 78 · 40 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: One of the best palaces to visit in the centre of the city. Also has changing art exhibitions.

Cabin of Peter the Great is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

20. Cabin of Peter the Great

(Домик Петра I)
Петровская наб., 6, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
History Museum · Округ Посадский · 38 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: This was the first house Peter the Great built when starting to build St. Petersburg: a cabin for himself. Quite modest from a tsar, and worth visiting.

Peterhof Museum Reserve is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

21. Peterhof Museum Reserve

(Музей-заповедник «Петергоф»)
Разводная ул., 2 (Санкт-Петербургский просп.), Петергоф, Санкт-Петербург
History Museum · 443 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: Famous for its fountains, parks and the overly golden palace, the tsar's summer residence is best to visit at summer, when the fountains are working and you can walk around in the park.

Меншиковский дворец is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

22. Меншиковский дворец

Университетская наб., 15 (Кадетская лин.), Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Art Museum · Округ № 7 · 61 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: Probably the nicest palace in the centre of the city, at least in my opinion. This is not a huge, golden palace, but a collection of small rooms decorated in the styles of different cultures.

Gatchina is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

23. Gatchina

Ленинградская обл.
City · 34 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: This is a small place outside of St. Petersburg, but has a palace to visit and a big park to walk around in.

Kirov Central Park / Yelagin Island is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

24. Kirov Central Park / Yelagin Island

(ЦПКиО им. Кирова / Елагин остров)
Елагин о., Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Park · Округ Чкаловское · 587 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: A green island outside of the centre, but still reachable by the metro. Good place for picnic, rollerskating, or ice-skating at winter. There is also a palace on the island that you can visit.

Monument to the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

25. Monument to the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad

(Монумент героическим защитникам Ленинграда)
пл. Победы, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Monument · Округ Звёздное · 35 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: This monument is quite massive, with many statues. Inside, there is a museum - but check the opening hours before going! You can get there by metro.

Divo Ostrov is one of Sight-Seeing in SPB.

26. Divo Ostrov

Кемская ул., 1, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Amusement Park · Округ Чкаловское · 688 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: This amusement park is a fun place to walk around in even if you don't want to risk a ride (the thing in the picture once fell....), because the entrance is free. At winter, come here to ice skate.