Make sure you plan at least half a day here for a very informative self tour about flight and war history. Pick up an exhibition map at the front desk, it comes handy.And don't miss the new building 4
Huge. If you have the time, plan to split your visit up into at least two visits so you can enjoy it. Not a lot for toddlers. Plan for larger crowds on holiday weekends; getting there when they open.
If you love aviation, this is the place for you! I was there 20 years ago, and now in 2013. Love what they've done to the place! More and more displays!! Highly recommend you spend a half a day here!
If you have the chance to go on a tour led by a docent, DO IT. You will hear things you’ve never imagined and it will deepen your experience immeasurably!
Great experience. Definitely a place to visit if in Dayton, Ohio. Several hangars of full size planes, drones and other artifacts from the history of the Air Force. Worth seeing and no charge to see!
Amazing collection. Although almost entirely USAF I’d say in terms of sheer planes it rivals or outdoes Air & Space. Very cool. Lots of old and modern planes plus some unique experimentals.
The museum is outstanding! Loved it (though some stories in the exhibit are biased) - not to miss by anyone interested in aviation. But you should allow at least half a day to see it.
All around wonderful and relaxing place to visit if you have quite a few hour to spare. It's completely free and PACKED floor to ceiling and wall to wall with aviation history.
It's FREE! It's the best aerospace museum in the country. It's huge. You can't see it all. It has the best collection (only?) of Presidential aircraft.
The museum houses The Memphis Belle, a b-17 Flying Fortress that is famous for being the 1st USAF heavy bomber to complete 25 missions and return to the US. Check out this C-SPAN video for more info. Read more
I've been here several times and still keep finding new information. Can't wait for the fourth building to be finished. We had a blast during space fest.
Pretty neat collection of history- well worth seeing and best of all- IT'S FREE (assuming you're one of those guys that skirts around paying your taxes!)
Get a hands-on space experience at the National Museum of the US Air Force. Be sure to visit the new Space Gallery, along with the museum's growing space collection.
Apollo 15 CSM is on display here. Known as call sign, "Endeavor", Astronauts David Scott, James Irwin, and Alfred Worden were carried to the moon onboard. Also 1st use of Lunar Rover on Apollo Mission
Check out the gift shop! Lots of great items!! Great book selection. Pins, coins, clothing. A little bit of everything and the museum is free so it leaves you more to spend in the store!!
Home to SR-71A, serial number 61-7976. This blackbird flew the 1st operational mission. Also one of first to be on display. One of only two places that you can see two Blackbirds in the same location.
Great museum experience, but taking photos can be a bit of a challenge. Many of the aircraft are dimly lit, requiring a slower shutter speed. Most point-and-shoot cameras don't have a sufficient fla
The NMUSAF is the world’s largest & oldest military aviation museum, opening in its first location in 1954. The museum's collection contains many rare aircrafts of historical or technological importan
Make sure to check out some of the most famous planes in history including JFK's Dallas Air Force One, SAM 26000, and Bockscar, the plane that dropped the Nagasaki atomic bomb.
Mark your calendars for a visit this summer! Our new fourth building opens to the public on June 8, 2016. More info:
Missile & Space Gallery contains an extensive collection of rare artifacts including Apollo 15 Command Module, Mercury & Gemini capsules, engines, satellites & a moon rock from the Apollo 16 mission. Read more