17 places updated June 10, 2019
17 places including Feldman Ecopark, Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure, Бульвар Юр'єва / Yuriev Boulevard, Freedom Square
11 places updated January 31, 2019
11 places including Waterfall in Abanotubani, Tsiskvili, Botanical Garden, Khareba
8 places updated
8 places including *D Haus* Langkawi, Auschwitz II - Terrain of the Former Birkenau Camp, Auschwitz I - Former Concentration Camp, Bar Pod Okraglakiem
560 places updated
560 places including Стара Ворохта / Stara Vorokhta, Fayka Zigmunda, Татарівські чани, Pancake Mill