Innovative ordering system: each table has tablet, log in with card acquired at cash register and order your food e-shop style. They'll deliver it to you. When finished take card to register and pay.
This place was great when it opened: quality of food and many options, friendly staff and good prices. It turned bad quickly. Always something wrong (orders, prices, waiting) and the service is awful
Good concept, but they really need to learn how to make potatoes au gratin properly. It's always under cooked. They should par cook the potatoes before putting them in the oven.
So called Musaka with feta cheese for 109 CZK (daily menu) was RIP OFF cause it was just regular "lečo"!Musaka, as far as I know, should be casserole dish.Service is getting slower and chaotic!
Milujeme dobré jídlo, a proto jsme otevřeli restauraci MY FOOD Holandská, kde ochutnáte to nejlepší z Česka i ze zahraničí. Vaříme jednoduše z prvotřídních surovin, takže to poznáte na talíři, ale ne v peněžence.Známe původ i složení všech produktů, ze kterých vaříme.