Bloody amazing glass architectural design nearby the dock .. Very impressive.. Thumbs up concert/ housemusic dancefestival and there's a dining area ... A must visit in Amsterdam ..
Amazing music venue with some of the best jazz or classical musicconcerts but one of its best secrets spots is the outside. Go on a sunny day and enjoy the amazing view.
Prince Constantijn presented the Paul Hansen the World Press Photo of the Year Award at a ceremony in 'Muziekgebouw aan het IJ'. Hansen won the international prize with a photo of a Gaza burial. Read more
On Thursdays you can hear the who-is-who of the now in contemporarymusic world. On any other day you should still go there for many more reasons, one being the astonishing view.
Ik vind de service trouwens prima zowel in het restaurant waar ze terrasstoelen voor me neerzetten als het zonnetje doorbreekt en altijd goede hulp, tips en informatie van het zaal- en kassapersoneel.