The MOCAK collection (the permanent one) exceeds any expectations. Very fresh and innovative, interactive hence interesting even for those not so keen on art, with some great pieces to look at
A really wonderful gallery, definitely worth 10zl entry! The gender in art exhibition currently running is impressive & the Experience of Auschwitz is provocative & important. Plus, free wifi.
Place truly worth visiting. Many riveting exhibitions with short expository descriptions in Polish and English. It takes at least about 2 hours to see over each showpiece.
So this the place where everybody make someone to take her/his picture while standing in the middle of super Polish alphabets. ę ą ł ń ś ź ż ć ó and many others. Next time Kraków, zaczekaj na mnie.
Muzeum jest pierwszym w Polsce tego typu miejscem, które stworzono od podstaw. Budynek powstał na terenie dawnej fabryki Schindlera w poprzemysłowej dzielnicy Zabłocie, która w ostatnich latach przechodzi gwałtowną rewitalizację.