Take the tour of the old African Meeting House. Stifling in the summer, but worth it to visit the place where abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison spoke.
Home of 1.6 mile Black Heritage Trail connecting 14 sites across Boston & celebrating pursuit of freedom by blacks in America. Site was 1st public school for black children. More info in blog. <LINK> Read more
The Museum of African American History commemorates the men and women who fought for the abolition of slavery, while establishing schools, churches, and businesses on the hill. Read more
Built in 1806 the museum was once the heart of Boston's 19th century African American community, & the site of Frederick Douglass's 1860 speech. Today it's a showcase of black community organization.
The African Meeting House was built in 1806 and is now the oldest black church edifice still standing in the United States. It is now the Museum of African-American History.