Check out the "On the Move: Transportation Toys from the Permanent Collection" exhibition. The transportation toys on view are modeled on vehicles once commonly recognized throughout our city. Read more
Was a great place until recently. Now, poor lighting, hurriedly glued together exhibitions, and a lackluster staff, with oppressive security (loudradios & booming voices). No lockers or flow.
September 11, 2001, wasn't the first time an airplane flew into a New York cityskyscraper. This museum is home to an artifact that tells of a largely forgotten incident. Read more
Embrace the city as a space of architecture, urban design and development with "Kevin Roche: Architecture as Environment" on display now until January 22, 2012. Read more
Entrance fee is always "pay as you wish." I was essentially scolded at when I showed the lady at the desk my newbie $2 discount. Don't even bother showing it.