First museum that i visited in bandung and its pretty nice! Its very interesting to know more about indonesia, espessially im curious about volcano! Entrance fee for foreigners - 10 000
Nice place to spend some time on the vacation, far from expensive, learnable, just need hour to finish the tour... So fit for your tight vacation schedule..
working , for me it was awesome , cause it was my first experience . would you like to see TYREX ? here they are ! just suggest , this spot perfect for scary job in the night ! :))
Geology Museum was established on May 16, 1928. After undergoing renovations, the Museum of Geology reopened and inaugurated by the Vice President, Megawati Sukarnoputri on August 23, 2000.
Slh satu museum terbaik di Bandung. Tiket pelajar Rp2,umum Rp3,foreigner Rp10. Perlu min 2 jam utk menjelajahi seluruh area. Resepsionis jg menerima penitipan barang & tersedia peminjaman kursi roda.
salah satu edutaintment kebanggaan warga Indonesia khususnya Bandung. selain Menghibur juga mendidik. Banyak pengetahuan yg didapat. Semakin baik setelah dipugar #Traveling#science&HistoryofBandung
duluu gw pernah k museum ini,wktu ada tugas dari sekolah , rombongan bareng ama temen" smp gw yng laen,ternyata gak ada yng berubah yaaa dari gedungnya , padahal itu 5 thn yng lalu lhoooo :))
Buat teman-teman yang sudah berkunjung ke museum geologi, Kami ucapkan terima kasih, dan jangan lupa gabung ke FB GRUP SAHABAT MUSEUM GEOLOGI, dan twitter @museumgeologi..
tempatnya deket gedung sate. Banyak anak sekolahan yg mampir kemari buat liat berbagai macam batu. Dari batu meteorit sampe batu kali juga ada.Tapi ga cuman batu doang ko isinya..Hhe