Lesser-known Nantucket treasures
Fog Island Cafe is one of Lesser-known Nantucket treasures.

1. Fog Island Cafe

South Water St, Nantucket, MA
Café · 22 tips and reviews

J M.J M.: Try the ultimate home fries with 2 fried eggs.

Millie's Restaurant is one of Lesser-known Nantucket treasures.

2. Millie's Restaurant

326 Madaket Rd, Nantucket, MA
Taco Restaurant · 50 tips and reviews

Winston L.Winston Lord: Get the Eel Point and a Dark & Stormy

Safari Beach is one of Lesser-known Nantucket treasures.

3. Safari Beach

Nantucket, MA
Beach · 1 tip

Matt H.Matt Hantz: Enter at Tristam's Landing (spelled with an "m", so no, not him), head over the bridge and go right to find this pristine beach. Well worth the drive.

Altar Rock is one of Lesser-known Nantucket treasures.

4. Altar Rock

Altar Rock Road, Nantucket, MA
Scenic Lookout · 2 tips and reviews

Matt H.Matt Hantz: Highest point on the island not including the pile of garbage at the dump.

Slip 14 is one of Lesser-known Nantucket treasures.

5. Slip 14

14 Old South Wharf, Nantucket, MA
Seafood Restaurant · 19 tips and reviews

Matt H.Matt Hantz: The clam chowder is slightly thicker than traditional New England clam chowder, but it's amazing. Maybe the best on the island.

Nantucket Pharmacy is one of Lesser-known Nantucket treasures.

6. Nantucket Pharmacy

45 Main St (btwn Centre & Federal), Nantucket, MA
Pharmacy · 9 tips and reviews

Matt H.Matt Hantz: A not-so-well-kept secret: The pharmacy has awesome ice cream.

Cisco Brewers is one of Lesser-known Nantucket treasures.

7. Cisco Brewers

5 Bartlett Farm Rd, Nantucket, MA
Brewery · 73 tips and reviews

Matt H.Matt Hantz: The beers are all good, but on a hot day the Figawi Wowie is great. Live music every day at 4:00 and the bands are generally pretty good.

Millie's Restaurant is one of Lesser-known Nantucket treasures.

8. Millie's Restaurant

326 Madaket Rd, Nantucket, MA
Taco Restaurant · 50 tips and reviews

Matt H.Matt Hantz: The Madaket Mystery is popular with longtime islanders because it's left over from previous iterations of this spot, but I like the Mint Ice Pick.

The Summer House Restaurant is one of Lesser-known Nantucket treasures.

9. The Summer House Restaurant

17 Ocean Ave, Nantucket, MA
New American Restaurant · 7 tips and reviews

Matt H.Matt Hantz: There's no cell service, so plan accordingly.