To get free help saving on your next Toyota at this location, call Drive Off Simple at 619-663-CARS. Our service is here to make car shopping easier.
Do not sign a contract with an arbitration agreement (look close on the back of the contract) anything could be passed on to you with no recourse.
One hour service? Been sitting here 2.5 hours and not given an indication of how much longer. Would appreciate at least letting me know it will be awhile. Will try another dealership next time.
Making an appointment is meaningless! Finally approached 15-20 min. after appt time. Short service is taking FOREVER! No updates. Said everything was done then realized they had the wrong person! WTF?
Hopefully no one ever has to deal with Jason. Completely rude, knew I was coming, asked for him was told he was no here. Then after an HOUR I called him and he was in his office the whole time!!!