Record Stores
Record Exchange is one of Record Stores.

1. Record Exchange

5320 Hampton Ave (at Eichelberger St), St Louis, MO
Record Store · Princeton Heights · 8 tips and reviews

Riverfront TimesRiverfront Times: RFT 2012 Best of St. Louis Winner - Best CD Store- Millions of CDs, vinyls, VHS, DVDs, used musical instruments, old stereos & tape decks- Put aside a few hours. You'll need them.

Apop Records is one of Record Stores.

2. Apop Records

2831 Cherokee St, St Louis, MO
Record Store · 4 tips and reviews

Riverfront TimesRiverfront Times: RFT 2012 Best of St. Louis Winner - Best Place to Buy Vinyl-All of your beloved outdated media under one roof!

Euclid Records is one of Record Stores.

3. Euclid Records

601 E Lockwood Ave (Summit), St Louis, MO
Record Store · 4 tips and reviews

Riverfront TimesRiverfront Times: RFT 2012 Best of St. Louis Winner - Best CD/Record Store- A music fan's dream variety of obscure gems and instantly recognizable hits!