Visitar el jardín es viajar atrás en el tiempo... Una de las maravillas de Barcelona, y parada obligada en la ruta literaria inspirada en la exitosa novela "La sombra del viento" de Carlos Ruiz Zafón. Read more.
Esta preciosa iglesia gótica es el escenario de la exitosa novela "La catedral del mar" de Ildefonso Falcones. Y seguro de un sinfín de buenas historias anónimas... Read more.
Estás en una de las zonas más bonitas de Barcelona, escenario de la exitosa novela "La catedral del mar" de Ildefonso Falcones. Y seguro de un sinfín de buenas historias anónimas... Read more.
Per Tots Sants, l'autobús 107 que recórrer el·lípticament el cementiri sempre va a tope. Si pots, ves-hi en cotxe, i sino, pren-t'ho amb calma. Read more.
Des de 1995 és el primer i únic museu en conservar i exhibir disseny industrial espanyol. Read more.
Arbres a mig créixer, esferes metàl·liques de llum, palmeres, columnes de formigó, ulls de bou i una espiral... Iconografia sortida d’una història del Dr. Seuss. Read more.
This is one of the newest district squares and ideal for those who seek a relaxing spot away from all the hustle and bustle of city life. Read more.
There is a newsstand, a small area for children and one of the best ice-cream parlor of the city. Read more.
The square's name is also the title of a brilliant novel by writer Mercè Rodoreda, which has been adapted for the screen, stage and even television. Read more.
This is one of the district's most famous squares. When contemplated in detail, it is still possible to make out the old coat of farms that once identified the Gràcia village. Read more.
This square is home to much of the district's Gypsy population who have turned the square into a celebration of their culture. Read more.
Emblematic place presided over by a sculpture by Joaquim Camps entitled Astrolabi. Read more.
This spot is a good starting point for a visit to the Gracia District, besides, there is a subway station (Joanic, line 4). Read more.
En aquesta preciosa plaça sempre hi passa alguna cosa. Un espectacle de castellers, una banda de jazz, o un espectacle de mims... Read more.
Square dedicated to one of Barcelona's most celebrated architects. It also serves as a meeting point for several streets in the Gràcia District. Read more.
El gran clásico de los domingos por la mañana. Largas colas para el espectáculo de los delfines y para comer. Mejor llévate comida de casa... Read more.