This may be my best Foursquare tip ever -- ask whomever is working at the counter what their fav game is, then ask them to show you their best secrets. It's like Pinball University up in here.
Mention stagebuddy at the register and receive a day pass for 2 people for only $35. OR Enjoy the 3-hour pass for $9 instead of the regular price of $19.00! (Monday thru Friday only.) Read more
"Banzai Hill" is an epic pinball game (& named after what some call the nastiest motorcross hill in all the land, Saddlebrook Hill in Irvine Park, CA. Closed in 1984 for being too dangerous Google it)
I'd suggest to think of this place as a two-part date. Come in early and sample a game or two, then have dinner or a drink and come back for a round two. If you have extra time, play baseball.
Great place for young and old(er) - they even give the little kids a stool to stand on so they can reach. You can rent the small room in the back for parties. Also have a punch card = freebies!
This is not a barcade. There is no beer or booze, just a room full of some of the most meticulously cared for pinball tables I've ever played on. If you like pinball, plop down $10 or $20.