Arkutino Beach is one of Sozopol.

1. Arkutino Beach

(Плаж Аркутино)
Аркутино, Приморско, Бургас
Beach · 34 tips and reviews
Плаж Липите (Lipite Beach) is one of Sozopol.

2. Плаж Липите (Lipite Beach)

Beach · 13 tips and reviews
La Mouche is one of Sozopol.

3. La Mouche

Zlatna Ribka Beach, Sozopol, Burgas Province
Beach Bar · 15 tips and reviews
Куче & Куче (Dog & Dog) is one of Sozopol.

4. Куче & Куче (Dog & Dog)

Созопол, Бургас
Bar · 12 tips and reviews
Kohi Kohi is one of Sozopol.

5. Kohi Kohi

Beach Bar · 9 tips and reviews
Ресторант Хоризонт is one of Sozopol.

6. Ресторант Хоризонт

ул. Бутамя 12, Синеморец, Бургас
Eastern European Restaurant · 53 tips and reviews
La Maison is one of Sozopol.

7. La Maison

Marina Port Sozopol, Созопол, Бургас
Cocktail Bar · 36 tips and reviews
Levant is one of Sozopol.

8. Levant

ул. Македония 36, Равда, Бургас
Seafood Restaurant · 42 tips and reviews
The Coffee Room is one of Sozopol.

9. The Coffee Room

Tzar Simeon 37, Бургас, Бургас
Coffee Shop · 26 tips and reviews
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milla milla: симпатично е, но мнооого малко и има голяма вероятност да няма места. за тейк ауей става. за кафе, ако ти е близо (пък то е хубаво да ти е близо морската), флора в морската градина изглежда доста удачно
Ресторант "Златна Рибка" is one of Sozopol.

10. Ресторант "Златна Рибка"

ул."Цар Симеон I" 3 (до входа на Spirit of Burgas), Бургас, Бургас
Seafood Restaurant · 37 tips and reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 8, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix:, suffix: /ASGFFM1BS4HIV5WR.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: null, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: decent mryn, lastName: null, publisherLogo: null, firstName: milla milla, relationship: null, id: 1100134, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /millamil3130929, canonicalUrl:, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 0, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: София, България, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: millamil3130929, gender: female, cities: null} avatar
milla milla: интериорът е като на детски клуб, ама без децата (понякога има де). също като пеликан - храната е добра.
Pelican is one of Sozopol.

11. Pelican

Oborishte 1 Str., Бургас, Бургас
Bistro · 15 tips and reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 8, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix:, suffix: /ASGFFM1BS4HIV5WR.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: null, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: decent mryn, lastName: null, publisherLogo: null, firstName: milla milla, relationship: null, id: 1100134, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /millamil3130929, canonicalUrl:, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 0, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: София, България, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: millamil3130929, gender: female, cities: null} avatar
milla milla: ФАЛИРАЛО храната е традиционна - има много прясна черноморска риба например. ако очакваш някакви кулинарни чудеса, ще изглежда леко овърхайпнато. но е вкусно и определено "безопасно" място за хранене
Пивоварната | The Brewery is one of Sozopol.

12. Пивоварната | The Brewery

ул. Хан Крум 6 (ул. Александровска), Бургас, Бургас
Beer Garden · 38 tips and reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 8, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix:, suffix: /ASGFFM1BS4HIV5WR.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: null, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: decent mryn, lastName: null, publisherLogo: null, firstName: milla milla, relationship: null, id: 1100134, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /millamil3130929, canonicalUrl:, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 0, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: София, България, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: millamil3130929, gender: female, cities: null} avatar
milla milla: храна - дефолт за бирария: начос, пилешки филенца, бургери. ако е за ядене, може да се пропусне.
Romance is one of Sozopol.

13. Romance

ж.к. "П. Р. Славейков" 62, Бургас, Бургас
Pizzeria · 14 tips and reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 8, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix:, suffix: /ASGFFM1BS4HIV5WR.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: null, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: decent mryn, lastName: null, publisherLogo: null, firstName: milla milla, relationship: null, id: 1100134, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /millamil3130929, canonicalUrl:, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 0, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: София, България, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: millamil3130929, gender: female, cities: null} avatar
milla milla: the burger is pretty fine
Barbossa is one of Sozopol.

14. Barbossa

ул. "Сердика" (в Tria City Centre), Бургас, Бургас
Bar · 47 tips and reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 8, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix:, suffix: /ASGFFM1BS4HIV5WR.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: null, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: decent mryn, lastName: null, publisherLogo: null, firstName: milla milla, relationship: null, id: 1100134, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /millamil3130929, canonicalUrl:, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 0, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: София, България, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: millamil3130929, gender: female, cities: null} avatar
milla milla: бар, в някакъв офис/шопинг център до тройката: не е нещо особено по софийски стандарти, но е културно местенце, музика, коктейли, крафт бири - става, ако имаш нужда от допиване
Fish Express is one of Sozopol.

15. Fish Express

ул. Цар Симеон 20 (Богориди), Бургас, Бургас
Burger Joint · 19 tips and reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 8, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix:, suffix: /ASGFFM1BS4HIV5WR.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: null, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: decent mryn, lastName: null, publisherLogo: null, firstName: milla milla, relationship: null, id: 1100134, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /millamil3130929, canonicalUrl:, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 0, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: София, България, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: millamil3130929, gender: female, cities: null} avatar
milla milla: на богориди и цар симеон: истински балък екмек (и някакви други сандвичи, но задължително тоя с риба)
О-в "Света Анастасия" (St. Anastasia Island) is one of Sozopol.

16. О-в "Света Анастасия" (St. Anastasia Island)

Бургаски залив (Остров Св. Aнaстaсия), Бургас, Бургас
Island · 7 tips and reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 8, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix:, suffix: /ASGFFM1BS4HIV5WR.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: null, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: decent mryn, lastName: null, publisherLogo: null, firstName: milla milla, relationship: null, id: 1100134, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /millamil3130929, canonicalUrl:, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 0, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: София, България, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: millamil3130929, gender: female, cities: null} avatar
milla milla: островът е приятен и става за екскурзийка от половин ден
Морска гара Бургас (Passenger Terminal Bourgas) is one of Sozopol.

17. Морска гара Бургас (Passenger Terminal Bourgas)

Пристанище Бургас, Бургас, Бургас
Boat or Ferry · 5 tips and reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 8, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix:, suffix: /ASGFFM1BS4HIV5WR.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: null, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: decent mryn, lastName: null, publisherLogo: null, firstName: milla milla, relationship: null, id: 1100134, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /millamil3130929, canonicalUrl:, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 0, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: София, България, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: millamil3130929, gender: female, cities: null} avatar
milla milla: виж Магазия 1
Boarding House Staniella Kalafateva is one of Sozopol.

18. Boarding House Staniella Kalafateva

Sozopol Old Town, 8 Burevestnik Str. (Morski Skali), Sozopol, Burgas province
Boarding House · 3 tips and reviews
Гостилница "Крилце или Кълка" is one of Sozopol.

19. Гостилница "Крилце или Кълка"

ул. Антим I 10, Бургас, Бургас
Restaurant · 1 tip