LD Ham: 1. Depart Pickett Ave toward Craig Ave 2. Turn right onto Rufus Allen Blvd: 200 ft 3. Turn right onto US-50 / Lake Tahoe Blvd: 0.5 mi 4. Turn right onto NV-207: 2.75 mi 5. Turn left onto NV-88: 15
Sean G: PLEASE FIX the DANCE Machine in the arcade! The screen is dead ad won't power on! I used to play here all the time, I was so sad when I couldn't play. These are rare and awesome, please fix!
Brendan Nee: Virigina City is worth 1/2 a day - check out the old timey Mark Twain museum, the prositution museum (in the chinese restaurant), have a drink at the original saloons, and see the "Suicide Table".