Watch what line you get in during customs check. The customs officer will pull a Jack Bauer and interrogate the heck out of you. I hate this airport. Don't fly AA either. They will f@ck up everything.
Layover? Why not do a little shopping? Miami international is just minutes away from the Airport and offers discounts for tourists, pick up a coupon book at the Guest Services Booth.
Holy freaking shit!! If you are a US resident and not citizen they put you in the visitor line...all of Latin America will be ahead of you when you arrive so fly through Dallas instead!
Try the delicious guavapastries at Cafe Versailles, owned by the famous Versailles Restaurant in Little Havana, adored by Cuban politicians for 40 years
Avoid traffic, & take the Metrorail to the airport, just like you'd take the subway to JFK Airport in New York !! Coming 2012. The biggest favor Miami will do for both its citizens & tourists !!
This airport is not for the faint of heart, the disabled, or anyone running late. Expect a 20m wait minimum…regardless of your status, TSA Pre-Check, etc.
They are now enforcing the "your bag needs to fit in this metal frame that is much smaller than the actual overhead space" rule. Couldn't get through security and will have an hour tacked onto trip.