Alfred State College (10 Upper College Dr.), Alfred, NY
College Lab · 1 tip Many administrators, math professors and lit professors can be found in this building. The downstairs round room is a great place to study, but can get crowded. Make sure to stake your claim! Few people know that this building used to be a stop on the Underground Railroad with a tunnel that lead to the creek from the basement. Formerly the Dill Pickle, it's easy to drive by this place and not realise it. A source for good food, their burgers are delicious, the service is good, and the price can't be beat.
Alfred State College (10 Upper College Dr.), Alfred, NY
College Administrative Building · 1 tip Responsible for printing all publications across campus, the document center is a pain to get to, but if you need to go, at least the staff is friendly! Our CEO got her first haircut here and every time she's home, this is where she gets her hair cut! The service is great, the ladies are friendly, and it's all at a great price! #winning The hot roast beef sandwich is phenomenal. Order it with french fries, and they will cover the whole plate with gravy if you ask nicely. Delicious!