Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?
Plaza is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

1. Plaza

22, rue du Maroc, La Marsa, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Hotel Bar · Marsa Corniche · 119 tips and reviews
Carthage National Museum is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

2. Carthage National Museum

(المتحف الوطني بقرطاج)
Colline de Byrsa, Carthage, Gouvernorat de Tunis
History Museum · 10 tips and reviews
Café des Délices is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

3. Café des Délices

(مقهى سيدي شبعان)
Rue Hedi Zarrouk, Impasse Sidi Chabaane, Sid'Bou Said, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Café · 75 tips and reviews
La Petite Etoile is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

4. La Petite Etoile

Goulette Harbor, La Goulette, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Seafood Restaurant · 20 tips and reviews
La Goulette Port is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

5. La Goulette Port

تونس, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Harbor or Marina · 7 tips and reviews
The Bardo National Museum is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

6. The Bardo National Museum

(المتحف الوطني بباردو)
Le Bardo, Le Bardo, Gouvernorat de Tunis
History Museum · 33 tips and reviews
Hôtel Sidi Bou Saïd (aka Hôtel Sidi Dhrif) is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

7. Hôtel Sidi Bou Saïd (aka Hôtel Sidi Dhrif)

Avenue Sidi Dhrif, La Marsa, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Hotel · 41 tips and reviews
Acropolium de Carthage is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

8. Acropolium de Carthage

Colline de Byrsa, Carthage, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Historic and Protected Site · 17 tips and reviews
Villa Didon Hotel Carthage is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

9. Villa Didon Hotel Carthage

Rue Mendes France Byrsa, Carthage, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Hotel · 50 tips and reviews
Amphithéatre Romain de Carthage is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

10. Amphithéatre Romain de Carthage

Carthage, تونس, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Historic and Protected Site · 27 tips and reviews
Le Sindbad is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

11. Le Sindbad

rue M'Hiri, La Marsa, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Lounge · 54 tips and reviews
Le Plug is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

12. Le Plug

1 rue mongi slim, La Marsa, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Bar · 31 tips and reviews
The Factory is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

13. The Factory

Rue Mongi Slim, La Marsa, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Lounge · 67 tips and reviews
Cook's is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

14. Cook's

Avenue Habib Bourguiba, Sid'Bou Said, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Diner · 117 tips and reviews
Safsaf is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

15. Safsaf

Rue Monji Slim (Rue Salambo), La Marsa, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Café · 25 tips and reviews
Mosquée Malek Ibn Anas is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

16. Mosquée Malek Ibn Anas

Carthage Présidence, Carthage, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Mosque · 4 tips and reviews
Mosquée Zitouna is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

17. Mosquée Zitouna

(جامع الزّيتونة)
La médina, تونس, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Mosque · 7 tips and reviews
Carré Du Lac is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

18. Carré Du Lac

Rue Du Lac Victoria, Les Berges Du Lac, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Shopping Mall · 1 tip
Dar Lassram is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

19. Dar Lassram

(دار لصرم)
Rue Du Tribunal (Rue Sidi Ibrahim Riahi), تونس, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Historic and Protected Site · 4 tips and reviews
Place du Gouvernement à la Kasbah is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

20. Place du Gouvernement à la Kasbah

(ساحة الحكومة بالقصبة)
La Kasbah, تونس, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Plaza · 17 tips and reviews
Sky Bar Novotel Hotel Tunis is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

21. Sky Bar Novotel Hotel Tunis

Avenue Mohamed V, تونس, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Hotel Bar · 50 tips and reviews
The Lounge Dar Zarrouk is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

22. The Lounge Dar Zarrouk

Rue Larbi Zarrouk (Sidi Bou Said), تونس, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Cocktail Bar · 1 tip
Boeuffy is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

23. Boeuffy

Rue de l’Union Maghreb (Avenue 13 août 1956), أريانة‎, Gouvernorat de l’ Ariana
Pub · 24 tips and reviews
Foundouk El Attarine is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

24. Foundouk El Attarine

9 Bis Souk El Attarine, Tunis-médina, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Diner · 18 tips and reviews
Club Culturel Tahar Haddad Tunis is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

25. Club Culturel Tahar Haddad Tunis

20, Rue du Tribunal, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Cultural Center · 4 tips and reviews
Palais Al Abdelliya is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

26. Palais Al Abdelliya

La Marsa, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Art Gallery · 3 tips and reviews
Palais Ennejma Ezzahra (Dar El-Baron d'Erlanger) is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

27. Palais Ennejma Ezzahra (Dar El-Baron d'Erlanger)

Rue du 2 Mars 1934, Sid'Bou Said, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Art Gallery · 9 tips and reviews
Palais Essaada is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

28. Palais Essaada

Av. de la Liberté, La Marsa‎ - Saf Saf, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Event Space · 4 tips and reviews
Dar El Jeld is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

29. Dar El Jeld

5 rue Dar El Jeld, تونس, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Restaurant · 43 tips and reviews
Espace Art SADIKA is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

30. Espace Art SADIKA

Art Gallery · 1 tip
Bab Bhar - Porte de France is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

31. Bab Bhar - Porte de France

Bab El Bhar, تونس, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Plaza · 18 tips and reviews
Avenue Habib Bourguiba is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

32. Avenue Habib Bourguiba

(شارع الحبيب بورقيبة)
Avenue Habib Bourguiba, تونس, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Road · 37 tips and reviews
La Spigola is one of Tunis: Where to exactly go in your first visit?.

33. La Spigola

52, Avenue Franklin Roosevelt, La Goulette, Gouvernorat de Tunis
Diner · 47 tips and reviews