20 favorite restaurants
Kellari Taverna is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

1. Kellari Taverna

19 W 44th St (btwn 5th & 6th Ave), New York, NY
Greek Restaurant · Midtown East · 79 tips and reviews

Michelle Elaine W.Michelle Elaine Weddings Inc.: If you like Lychee Martinis they make them strong!

Blockheads Burritos is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

2. Blockheads Burritos

951 Amsterdam Ave (at W 107th St), New York, NY
Burrito Restaurant · Upper West Side · 27 tips and reviews

Michelle Elaine W.Michelle Elaine Weddings Inc.: Inexpensive but good margaritas! Tons of food & not too much $$ spent!LOVE going to any location :)