The mission of Meals On Wheels, Inc. of Tarrant County is to promote the dignity and independence of older adults, persons with disabilities, and other homebound persons by delivering nutritious meals and providing or coordinating needed services. No one expects to ask for help with something as basic as nutrition, but through an unexpected illness, an accident, or simply the blessing of many birthdays, it has happened for thousands in Tarrant County. The people receiving our meals are temporarily or permanently homebound, are unable to prepare nutritious meals for themselves, and have no one to help them on a regular basis. The cost of cooking, packing, and delivering meals to one client for an entire year is only $1,300. This is less than just one day in a hospital or 10 days in a nursing home! The projected growth for meals alone in Tarrant County from 2010 to 2020 is 51.26%; by 2030, it is estimated the increased need will be 76%.