Security at MCO is a hassle. It is not the kind of airport where you can get there 15 minutes before the flight closes and still make it. There is always someone holding up the line. Allow 45+ mins.
Clear reopens Nov 9 2010. They honor time left on previous membership. "Expert" lanes can take a long time in morning as crew/employees shuffle to front of line
Free wifi, although login screen does not come up automatically. I found the check-in process to be pretty breezy other than the fact bins were not readily available.
Its ok if you throw away all of your liquids before you enter the security check point. Once you are near you gate, you can buy another bottle of water for four bucks!
You must be careful here. Some of their terminals are infested with mice and they can't seem to take care of it. They just run around your feet looking for food.