1 List Created · 6 Tips
1 places updated April 4, 2014
1 place including Baobá Restaurante & Grill
2 places updated
2 places including Mr. Chopp, Panificadora e Confeitaria Real
3 places updated
3 places including Baobá Restaurante & Grill, Chiquinho Sorvetes, Restaurante La Cuisine Gastronomia
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"Rua Ceará 5111 Esquina com Av. Rolândia. Zona II (próximo a Ilha FM)"
· Umuarama, Brasil
8.4"Fone: 44 3361-4200"
· Umuarama, Brasil
"Podia ter open wifi para os clientes :)"
· Umuarama, Brasil
8.3"Telefone 4436214500"
· Umuarama, Brasil
"Excelente feijoada aos sábados."
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant
· Umuarama, Brasil
"Wifi / wireless liberado."
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant
· Umuarama, Brasil