Duke's Grocery is one of Washington.

1. Duke's Grocery

1513 17th St NW (btwn Church St & P St NW), Washington, D.C.
Gastropub · Northwest Washington · 131 tips and reviews
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DC Duck Tour is one of Washington.

2. DC Duck Tour

Washington, D.C.
Boat or Ferry · NoMa · 4 tips and reviews
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National Air and Space Museum is one of Washington.

3. National Air and Space Museum

6th St. (Independence Ave SW), Washington, D.C.
Science Museum · Southwest Washington · 637 tips and reviews
Old Town Alexandria is one of Washington.

4. Old Town Alexandria

Alexandria, VA
Neighborhood · 55 tips and reviews
Smithsonian’s National Zoo is one of Washington.

5. Smithsonian’s National Zoo

3001 Connecticut Ave NW (at Hawthorne St NW), Washington, D.C.
Zoo · National Zoological Park · 325 tips and reviews
Ford's Theatre is one of Washington.

6. Ford's Theatre

511 10th St NW (btwn F St NW & E St NW), Washington, D.C.
Theater · Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown · 72 tips and reviews
Georgetown Cupcake is one of Washington.

7. Georgetown Cupcake

3301 M St NW (at 33rd St.), Washington, D.C.
Cupcake Shop · Georgetown · 407 tips and reviews
Newseum is one of Washington.

8. Newseum

555 Pennsylvania Ave NW (at 6th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Museum · Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown · 305 tips and reviews
Arlington National Cemetery is one of Washington.

9. Arlington National Cemetery

214 McNair Rd, Arlington, VA
Cemetery · 129 tips and reviews
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Union Station is one of Washington.

10. Union Station

50 Massachusetts Ave NE (at Columbus Cir NE), Washington, D.C.
Rail Station · 662 tips and reviews