"SCREW HERTZ!! I will ever use any car rental company other than Enterprise. They have Fantastic service, and they helped me out of a really tight spot. Enterprise For Life!!!!"
Rental Car
· Grand Rapids, United States
7.1"This place has the world's Best pizza, Bar None. I look forward to coming here every time I'm in Chicago. And Alexes is the best server EVER!!!!!"
· Chicago, United States
8.9"The milk is WAY overpriced. Don't bother"
Discount Store
· Grand Rapids, United States
6.3"I love the baristas here. Every time that I've come they've been very outgoing and fun, just like a Batista should be ^_^"
Coffee Shop
· Grand Rapids, United States
7.8"Last call 1am!!!!!"
· Chicago, United States
9.2"Incredible selection of wigs, weaves, ponies, extensions, lashes, even jewelry at great prices, plus the staff are all very helpful. Definitely a Must every time I'm in Chicago"
· Chicago, United States