Take Your Time is one of Rome.

1. Take Your Time

Via Dei Fienaroli, Roma, Lazio
Bar · Trastevere · 7 tips and reviews
Pork 'n' Roll is one of Rome.

2. Pork 'n' Roll

Via Carlo Caneva, 15 (Via Tiburtina, 546), Roma, Lazio
Gastropub · Tiburtino, Roma, Lazio · 24 tips and reviews
My Ale is one of Rome.

3. My Ale

Via dei Cappellari 79, Roma, Lazio
Sandwich Spot · Regola · 17 tips and reviews
AngryPig Birretta & Porchetta is one of Rome.

4. AngryPig Birretta & Porchetta

Via Tunisi, 38, Roma, Lazio
Sandwich Spot · Trionfale · 22 tips and reviews
Be.Re. is one of Rome.

5. Be.Re.

Piazza Risorgimento 7a, Roma, Lazio
Beer Bar · Prati · 15 tips and reviews
Bir&Fud Bottega is one of Rome.

6. Bir&Fud Bottega

Via Luca Valerio, Roma, Lazio
Brewery · Portuense · 4 tips and reviews
Roma Scout Center is one of Rome.

7. Roma Scout Center

Largo di Sant'Ippolito, 1, Roma, Lazio
Hostel · Nomentano · 12 tips and reviews

Valerio N.Valerio Notarfrancesco: Ottimo posto per dormire a Roma. Ve lo consiglio. Pulito, tranquillo, possibilità del wireless.Good Place to stay in Rome. I really recomend it.

Trapizzino is one of Rome.

8. Trapizzino

Via Giovanni Branca, 88 (Piazza di Santa Maria Liberatrice), Roma, Lazio
Sandwich Spot · Testaccio · 103 tips and reviews

Cristina C.Cristina Corrirossi: Trapizzini, supplì e pizze fantasiose tutte da provare, buona scelta di birre artigianali in bottiglia. Ottimo pit stop prima del cinema.

Il Gelato is one of Rome.

9. Il Gelato

Piazza Monte d'Oro 91/92 (Via Tomacelli), Roma, Lazio
Ice Cream Parlor · Campo Marzio · 10 tips and reviews

Cross Pollinate TravelCross Pollinate Travel: Claudio Torce is a true gelato artisan. Habanero pepper, gorgonzola, at least TEN different chocolate choices - this is not your average gelato shop!

Gelateria Pica is one of Rome.

10. Gelateria Pica

Via della Seggiola 12, Roma, Lazio
Ice Cream Parlor · Regola · 11 tips and reviews

Carl F.Carl Feldhaus: Award winning and run by the President of the Gelato association.

Gelateria Dei Gracchi is one of Rome.

11. Gelateria Dei Gracchi

Via dei Gracchi, 272, Roma, Lazio
Ice Cream Parlor · Prati · 147 tips and reviews

Cross Pollinate TravelCross Pollinate Travel: They use only local ingredients and no artificial flavors or preservatives such as some of the best pistachio gelato made with Sicilian pistachios. Slow Food award winning gelato and you can taste

12. Da Pasquale

Via Urbano II 32, Roma, Lazio
Pizzeria · Aurelio · 5 tips and reviews

Marco C.Marco Croella: Ottima pizza al taglio. Da provare la pizza con la mozzarella

Museo della Civiltà Romana is one of Rome.

13. Museo della Civiltà Romana

Piazza Giovanni Agnelli 10, Roma, Lazio
History Museum · EUR · 11 tips and reviews Divided into 59 sections, the museum has large spaces and can display parts of life-sized buildings and monuments. You can't miss the plastic model of Rome in the period of Emperor Constantine. Read more.

Eataly is one of Rome.

14. Eataly

Piazzale XII Ottobre 1492, Roma, Lazio
Gourmet Store · Ostiense · 304 tips and reviews

Monica M.Monica M.: Un bel parco giochi, ottima organizzazione e qualità .. un solo rischio ti vien voglia di comprare tutto!!!

200 Gradi is one of Rome.

15. 200 Gradi

Piazza del Risorgimento, 3, Roma, Lazio
Sandwich Spot · Prati · 199 tips and reviews
Ciabattini is one of Rome.

16. Ciabattini

Via Santa Croce in Gerusalemme 25, Roma, Lazio
Pizzeria · Esquilino · 4 tips and reviews

Gianluca D.Gianluca D'Ettorre: Una delle piu buone pizzerie a taglio di roma. Ottimo anche per il pranzo e per la cena! Consigliatissime le polpette di Mario!

Forno Roscioli is one of Rome.

17. Forno Roscioli

Via Buonarotti 46-48, Roma, Lazio
Bakery · Esquilino · 22 tips and reviews

Cross Pollinate TravelCross Pollinate Travel: Great bakery and coffee bar. Amazing pizza and super friendly staff.

Baccano is one of Rome.

18. Baccano

Via delle Muratte, 23, Roma, Lazio
Mediterranean Restaurant · Trevi · 245 tips and reviews

Andrea Z.Andrea Zarfati: Il migliore Tiramisù della citta' servito con una tazzina di gelato al caffè. Ottimo!!

Giolitti is one of Rome.

19. Giolitti

Via degli Uffici del Vicario, 40, Roma, Lazio
Ice Cream Parlor · Sant'Eustachio · 774 tips and reviews

Benjamin M.Benjamin Mateev: Best ice cream in Rome. If you visit Rome and like ice cream you have to come here. Pay upfront for a cone or cup and get as many flavors as it fits!

Domus Aurea is one of Rome.

20. Domus Aurea

Viale della Domus Aurea, Roma, Lazio
Historic and Protected Site · Monti · 21 tips and reviews
Roman Forum is one of Rome.

21. Roman Forum

(Foro Romano)
Via dei Fori Imperiali, Roma, Lazio
Historic and Protected Site · 456 tips and reviews

Tasha M.Tasha Major: Download the free podcast by Rick Steves for a great guided tour of this impressive site.

Foro di Traiano is one of Rome.

22. Foro di Traiano

Piazza Foro Traiano, Roma, Lazio
Historic and Protected Site · Monti · 33 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: On the north-east side of via dei Fori Imperiali are the extensive remains of Trajan's forum, the last of the fora, laid out in the early second century AD.

Trattoria da Teo is one of Rome.

23. Trattoria da Teo

Piazza dei Ponziani, 7, Roma, Lazio
Trattoria · Trastevere · 62 tips and reviews

Sara C.Sara Carcangiu: Assolutamente prendere il ragù d'agnello! Porzioni enormi! Ottimi anche gli antipasti e soprattutto i prezzi!

Da Augusto is one of Rome.

24. Da Augusto

Piazza de' Renzi 15 (Trastevere), Roma, Lazio
Italian Restaurant · Trastevere · 60 tips and reviews

Yury S.Yury Shevchenko: This place is well hidden away from your usual tourist paths, but it is worth your time. Food is nice, prices are below average. Sit outside!

25. Da Marcello

Via dei Campani 12, Roma, Lazio
Italian Restaurant · 4 tips and reviews
Formula 1 is one of Rome.

26. Formula 1

Via degli Equi, 13, Roma, Lazio
Pizzeria · San Lorenzo, Roma · 33 tips and reviews

Emircan S.Emircan Soksan: The best pizzeria in San Lorenzo. If you like crunchy pizza, that's the best. The prices are optimum and there is no service costs. It's better for dinner, in day time it's usually closed.

L'Oasi della Birra is one of Rome.

27. L'Oasi della Birra

Piazza Testaccio 38-41, Roma, Lazio
Gastropub · Testaccio · 41 tips and reviews

Norbert S.Norbert Spina: Tante splendide birre e cibo buono - per essere una enoteca direi molto buono

Open Baladin is one of Rome.

28. Open Baladin

Via degli Specchi 6, Roma, Lazio
Beer Bar · Regola · 322 tips and reviews

Jimi R.Jimi Rocknroll: Il meglio del meglio della birra artigianale italiana. Cibo di alta qualità. Bonci è sempre una sicurezza.

Ma Che Siete Venuti A Fà is one of Rome.

29. Ma Che Siete Venuti A Fà

Via Benedetta, 25, Roma, Lazio
Beer Bar · Trastevere · 100 tips and reviews

Mattia B.Mattia Battistich: Best tap microbrews selection ever tasted in a pub, it gets better only if you go to visit actual microbreweries. Spaceman and burocracy my favs. Set In the heart of trastevere

Bir & Fud is one of Rome.

30. Bir & Fud

Via Benedetta 23, Roma, Lazio
Gastropub · Trastevere · 161 tips and reviews

Ryan M.Ryan Meehan: A tiny piece of Park Slope in Rome. Pizzas are great. Chips with crumbled pecorino are delightful. And it's one of two places in Rome where you can drink craft beer. (See also Ma Che Siete across way)

Del Frate is one of Rome.

31. Del Frate

Via degli Scipioni 118, Roma, Lazio
Wine Bar · Prati · 11 tips and reviews

Cross Pollinate TravelCross Pollinate Travel: Three dozen wines available by the glass as well as a range of meat, fish and veggie dishes. Homemade chocolate fondue is their dessert specialty.

Enoteca Ferrara is one of Rome.

32. Enoteca Ferrara

Piazza Trilussa 41 (Via del Moro, 1), Roma, Lazio
Restaurant · Trastevere · 48 tips and reviews

AliceAlice: Lovely garden, excellent food, wine and service. The best fried fiore di zucca I ever ate!

Casa Bleve is one of Rome.

33. Casa Bleve

Via del Teatro Valle 48, Roma, Lazio
Wine Bar · Sant'Eustachio · 19 tips and reviews

Mauricio P.Mauricio Prieto: Recommended in NYT's 36 hours in Rome: There are regular enotecas and then there’s Casa Bleve, which is the enoteca as sumptuous nod to—and even send up of — Roman grandeur.

Trimani il Wine Bar is one of Rome.

34. Trimani il Wine Bar

Via Cernaia 37b, Roma, Lazio
Winery · 13 tips and reviews
Pizzarium Bonci is one of Rome.

36. Pizzarium Bonci

Via della Meloria, 43, Roma, Lazio
Pizzeria · Trionfale · 277 tips and reviews

katieparlakatieparla: Begin with a suppli and be sure to try the pizza rossa, simple and delicious.

Trapizzino is one of Rome.

37. Trapizzino

Via Giovanni Branca, 88 (Piazza di Santa Maria Liberatrice), Roma, Lazio
Sandwich Spot · Testaccio · 103 tips and reviews

Gino M.Gino M.: Their invention the trapizzini are a must. Pizza bread corner stuffed with all sorts of good stuff...

Mamma Angela's is one of Rome.

38. Mamma Angela's

Via Palestro, 53, Roma, Lazio
Italian Restaurant · 272 tips and reviews

Rod D.Rod Duarte: Great food, honest prices, great staff. Highly recommended.

39. Sant'Eustachio Il Caffè

Piazza di Sant'Eustachio, 82, Roma, Lazio
Café · Sant'Eustachio · 484 tips and reviews
Antico Forno Roscioli is one of Rome.

40. Antico Forno Roscioli

Via dei Chiavari 34, Roma, Lazio
Bakery · Parione · 206 tips and reviews

Elite Club VacanzeElite Club Vacanze: Try the Pizza Bianca, with mortadella...delicious!

La Piadineria is one of Rome.

41. La Piadineria

Via del boschetto 98, Roma, Lazio
Piadineria · Monti · 12 tips and reviews
Alessandro Palace is one of Rome.

42. Alessandro Palace

Via Vicenza 42, Roma, Lazio
Hostel · 23 tips and reviews

Greg G.Greg Gordon: Stay here! Clean! Very clean! An quiet and a hostel- so low priced- and 7 minutes walk from the Termini station- free Internet too

Alessandro Downtown Hostel is one of Rome.

43. Alessandro Downtown Hostel

Via Carlo Cattaneo 23 (Via Napoleone III), Roma, Lazio
Hostel · 29 tips and reviews

Takashi T.Takashi Taniguchi: Alessandro Downtown Hostels is a budget accommodation situated in the centre of Rome, 5 minute walking distance from Termini station! Read more.

The Yellow Hostel is one of Rome.

44. The Yellow Hostel

Via Palestro, 44, Roma, Lazio
Hostel · 106 tips and reviews

Michael S.Michael Scott: Great, great place! Free drink upon checkin, cheap rooms, great service, and a great pub in the lobby! A must stay for youths traveling through Rome.

BrewDog Roma is one of Rome.

45. BrewDog Roma

Via delle Terme di Tito, 80 (Via del Monte Oppio), Roma, Lazio
Beer Bar · Monti · 25 tips and reviews
Luppolo Station is one of Rome.

46. Luppolo Station

Via Giuseppe Parini 4, Roma, Lazio
Beer Bar · Gianicolense · 18 tips and reviews
So Good! is one of Rome.

47. So Good!

Viale Aventino 87, Roma, Lazio
Beer Bar · 3 tips and reviews