"19515 is the best taxi to call! -Happy taxi Budva. Starting price is always 1€ , they will never cheat or overprice you. Tivat- 20€ , Dubrovnik 100€"
"19515 is the best taxi to call! -Happy taxi Budva. Starting price is always 1€ , they will never cheat or overprice you. Tivat 20€ , Dubrovnik- 100€"
"19515 is the best taxi to call! -Happy taxi Budva. Starting price is always 1€ , they will never cheat or overprice you. Tivat 20€ , Dubrovnik 100€"
"Ispravak. Nemojte ici R.Beo Taxijem. / Don't ever take R.Beo Taxi because they overcharge, times 7 !!!"
"Najboljii vrtic!! :))))) @ Cvetkov trg 5, Drenova, 51000 Rijeka"