#2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia
Old Town is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

1. Old Town

(Casco Antiguo)
Sevilla, Andalucía
Neighborhood · 34 tips and reviews

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Wonderful architecture. The Alcazar and Cathedral are the highlights.

Gardens of Murillo is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

2. Gardens of Murillo

(Jardines de Murillo)
Av. de Menéndez y Pelayo, Sevilla, Andalucía
Garden · Santa Cruz · 29 tips and reviews

Sapphira Sevilla - belleza y estética avanzada unisex y low costSapphira Sevilla - belleza y estética avanzada unisex y low cost: A quiet park to sit down and relax before hitting more sights

Plaza Duquesa de Parcent is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

3. Plaza Duquesa de Parcent

Plaza Duquesa De Parcent, Ronda, Andalucía
Park · 1 tip

Rick V.Rick Veldhuis: Nice little plaza surrounded by beautiful buildings, a.o. the town hall.

Parque Genovés is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

4. Parque Genovés

Cl. Doctor Gómez Ulla, Cádiz, AL
Park · 21 tips and reviews

Rick V.Rick Veldhuis: Beautiful park on the sea front. Great little bar in the center of it for a drink or tapa.

Puente Nuevo de Ronda is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

5. Puente Nuevo de Ronda

Puente Nuevo, Ronda, Andalucía
Bridge · 80 tips and reviews

Edward R.Edward Roozeboom: Beautiful bridge connecting the old neighborhood with the rest. There are multiple platforms on both sides of the bridge to create magnificent photos!

Museo Naval Torre del Oro is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

6. Museo Naval Torre del Oro

Paseo de Cristóbal Colón, s/n, Sevilla, Andalucía
Museum · Santa Cruz · 5 tips and reviews

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Interesting exhibits. Climb to the top of the tower for great views.

La Encarnación Square is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

7. La Encarnación Square

(Plaza de la Encarnación)
Pl. de la Encarnación, Sevilla, Andalucía
Plaza · Alfalfa · 20 tips and reviews

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Interesting modern architecture. Great shade in the blazing summer sun.

Isabel II Bridge 'Triana Bridge' is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

8. Isabel II Bridge 'Triana Bridge'

(Puente de Isabel II 'Puente de Triana')
Puente de Triana (Plaza del Altozano), Sevilla, Andalucía
Bridge · Triana · 64 tips and reviews

Azhar M.Azhar Media: A Spanish contingent with British support took the bridge, which was in French hands. This action was essential in the capture of the city of Seville.

Pabellón Real is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

9. Pabellón Real

Plaza de América, s/n, Sevilla, Andalucía
Structure · Sur · 2 tips and reviews
Royal Alcazar of Seville is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

10. Royal Alcazar of Seville

(Real Alcázar de Sevilla)
Pl. del Triunfo (Patio de Banderas), Sevilla, Andalucía
Palace · Santa Cruz · 262 tips and reviews

SevillaSevilla: Dramatized visits by night availables, you can buy your tickets online. Visitas teatralizadas nocturnas. Compra tu entrada haciendo clic en el enlace! Read more.

Spain Square is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

11. Spain Square

(Plaza de España)
Av. de Isabel 'La Católica', Sevilla, Andalucía
Plaza · Sur · 294 tips and reviews

Marisa C.Marisa Corley: Many movies have been filmed here, including "Lawrence of Arabia," "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones" Naboo Palace, and the palace from Cohen's "The Dictator."

María Luisa Park is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

12. María Luisa Park

(Parque de María Luisa)
Av. María Luisa, Sevilla, Andalucía
Park · Sur · 92 tips and reviews

Sapphira Sevilla - belleza y estética avanzada unisex y low costSapphira Sevilla - belleza y estética avanzada unisex y low cost: This park was given as a gift to the Spanish Infanta

Puente del Alamillo is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

13. Puente del Alamillo

SE-30 Km. 21 (Av. Concejal Alberto Jiménez Becerril), Sevilla, Andalucía
Bridge · Triana · 11 tips and reviews

Elisabeth Sapphira S.Elisabeth Sapphira Sevilla: A masterpiece architecture

Isla de la Cartuja is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

14. Isla de la Cartuja

Isla de la Cartuja, Sevilla, Andalucía
Other Great Outdoors · Triana · 14 tips and reviews
Cádiz is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

15. Cádiz

Cádiz, Andalucía
City · 30 tips and reviews

Matt C.Matt Crozier: Stay close to the old town if you can. It's beautiful. History, great beaches, loads of good bars and cheap and tasty tapas. Stay for longer than you planned. It's worth it.

Plaza De Las Flores is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

16. Plaza De Las Flores

Plaza De Las Flores (correos), Cádiz, Andalucía
Plaza · 13 tips and reviews
Plaza de Bib-Rambla is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

17. Plaza de Bib-Rambla

Plaza de Bib Rambla, Granada, Andalucía
Plaza · Centro - Sagrario · 36 tips and reviews

Jessie L.Jessie Lee: Lots of choices for restaurants... But the square gets quiet after 1130pm

La Caleta Beach is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

18. La Caleta Beach

(Playa de La Caleta)
Av. Duque de Nájera, Cádiz, Andalucía
Beach · 62 tips and reviews
Freiduría Las Flores I is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

19. Freiduría Las Flores I

Plaza Topete, 4, Cádiz, Andalucía
Seafood Restaurant · 69 tips and reviews
Jardines de los Reales Alcázares is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

20. Jardines de los Reales Alcázares

Puerta de Marchena, Sevilla, Andalucía
Garden · Santa Cruz · 57 tips and reviews
Cabo de Trafalgar is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

21. Cabo de Trafalgar

Cabo de Trafalgar, Cádiz, Andalucía
Other Great Outdoors · 22 tips and reviews
Trafalgar Lighthouse is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

22. Trafalgar Lighthouse

(Faro de Trafalgar)
Zahora, Andalucía
Lighthouse · 6 tips and reviews
Alcornocales is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

23. Alcornocales

Calle del Chorrillo, 4-5, Alcalá de los Gazules, Andalucía
Scenic Lookout · No tips or reviews
Balandro is one of #2019/2020 Sevilla Andalucia.

24. Balandro

Alameda de Apodaca, 22, Cádiz, Andalucía
Mediterranean Restaurant · 135 tips and reviews