Lovely & dog-friendly place ❤️ Great coffee + a good selection of non-dairy milks. Nice view of Exmouth market too. The staff is so kind and cheerful 💐
Superb Flat White! As good as any flat White you'll have in Australia (the birth place of the flat White) cool music. An excellent coffee shop, better than nasty horrible Starbucks
Fantastic coffee shop - nicely made. Limited food, but it is good what they do have. Flapjacks are recomended - I had brazil nut and apricot - whole dried apricots and whole brazils. Was just plain
Brill does exactly what it says on the tin. Good coffee, good music = good times. Just noticed the deal on the top right corner of this page. Brill, you're brill.
Decent enough bagels by European standards. Seats are hella uncomfortable though. “Everything Bagel” is not what you think (it’s a plain bagel with a lot of toppings)
One of my Exmouth Market favourites. They sell bagels, coffee, and music, and all with impeccable taste. Place is small, but nice space to sit down w/ laptop or book to enjoy your quiet time.