Created by Marko Repo Updated On: March 31, 2014
Miesten ja naisten superpesisjoukkueiden kotikentät kaudella 2013. The home fields of men and women teams in Finnish baseball championships series Superpesis on season 2013.
Marko Repo: Viinijärvi baseball stadium´s record attendance was set in 10th September 1989 when 2715 people attended a second final game between Viinijärven Urheilijat and Jyväskylän Kiri.
Marko Repo: Parkkipaikkoja löytyy runsaasti pesisstadionin pohjoispuolelta palloiluhallin pihasta (Jämintie 10) sekä eteläpuolelta kaupungintalon parkkipaikalta (Kuninkaanlähteenkatu 12).
Topinkuja 1 (Laaksotie), Kouvola, Kymenlaakson maakunta
Baseball Field · 1 tip
Marko Repo: The baseball stadium´s record attendance was set in 11th of September 2010 when 5648 people attended a third final game between Kouvolan Pallonlyöjät and Vimpelin Veto.
Marko Repo: Lukkarila baseball field´s record attendance was set in 2nd of September 1990 when 3392 people attended a second final game between Lapuan Virkiä and Viinijärven Urheilijat.
Marko Repo: Pori baseball stadium´s record attendance was set in 8th of September 2002 when 2904 people attended a second final game between Porin Pesäkarhut and Jyväskylän Kiri.
Marko Repo: Peräseinäjoki baseball stadium´s record attendance was set in 18th August 2007 when 951 people attended a game between PeTo-Jussit and Tyrnävän Tempaus.
Marko Repo: Otanlahti baseball stadium´s record attendance was set in 11th of July 2004 when 1440 people attended a game between Rauman Fera and Jyväskylän Kiri.
Marko Repo: Kiistola baseball stadium´s record attendance was set in 19th of May 1996 when 1852 people attended a game between Ylihärmän Pesis-Junkkarit and Siilinjärven Pesis.