Battery Townsley is one of Click.

1. Battery Townsley

Sausalito, CA
Scenic Lookout · 4 tips and reviews
Lands End is one of Click.

2. Lands End

El Camino Del Mar (at Point Lobos Ave), San Francisco, CA
Park · Sea Cliff · 134 tips and reviews
Golden Gate Overlook is one of Click.

3. Golden Gate Overlook

Lincoln Blvd & Merchant Rd (Presidio of San Francisco), San Francisco, CA
Scenic Lookout · Presidio National Park · 99 tips and reviews
Sutro Baths is one of Click.

4. Sutro Baths

Point Lobos Ave. (at Merrie Way), San Francisco, CA
Historic and Protected Site · 80 tips and reviews
Point Reyes National Seashore is one of Click.

5. Point Reyes National Seashore

Sir Francis Drake Blvd (at Sir Francis Drake Blvd), Point Reyes Station, CA
National Park · 36 tips and reviews
Lands End Labyrinth is one of Click.

6. Lands End Labyrinth

Lands End Trail, San Francisco, CA
Public Art · 13 tips and reviews
Point Bonita Lighthouse is one of Click.

7. Point Bonita Lighthouse

End of Field Rd (Marin Headlands), Sausalito, CA
Lighthouse · 31 tips and reviews