8 places updated April 26, 2012
8 places including Gourmet Kemang, Bakerzin, THE CAFE, The New Magnum Café
12 places updated June 7, 2012
12 places including PURO Ristorante, UNION, Pastis Kitchen & Bar, Jack Rabbit Cuisine & Libations
11 places updated April 1, 2012
11 places including Plaza Low Yat, Pacific Place, The Park Pejaten, Hero Supermarket
7 places updated September 22, 2013
7 places including Gourmet Kemang, Blümchen Coffee, Bakerzin, Birdcage
3 places updated August 27, 2011
3 places including Hari Hari Pasar Swalayan, 99 Ranch Market, METRO Department Store
5 places updated
5 places including Pure (by Healthy Choice), Ben's, Balai Kartini, Appetite