1930 Hennepin Ave (Just North of Hennepin and Franklin), Minneapolis, MN
Deli · Lowry Hill · 46 tips and reviews
City Pages: Drink of the week: Rye's signature Shtetl Bunny is Slivovitz, the oft-maligned Eastern European brandy made by fermenting crushed plums and their pits.
Village Voice: Pizza with no cheese..but how…and more importantly, why? But the Sicilian Breakfast Pizza is a thick square of warm pastry and tomato-ey goodness.
120 Smith St (btwn Pacific & Dean St), Brooklyn, NY
Bakery · Boerum Hill · 175 tips and reviews
Village Voice: Pizza with no cheese…how…and more importantly, why? But the Sicilian Breakfast Pizza is a thick square of warm pastry and tomato-ey goodness.