Located very close to OldTown, 3min by walking. Very wellorganized and passanger friendly. Different food options are available. Info staff is very friendly and helpful.
When your train breaks down, get the rail replacement bus in front of the rail station, not in the bus station to the side. Enjoy free wifi while you wait with hundreds of others.
If you're a group, make sure to get: 1. A JoJo-card (200 SEK @ Pressbyrån). 2. Buy a Duo/Family-ticket. Of course buy a turn-return ticket if you know you're going back the same day too!
If you’re going to the Louisiana museum, you can get a discount on train/museum tix - ask at station counter. Or get a 24 hr city pass for the trains... cheaper than two round trip tix to the museum.
There are two information offices - one for SJ and one for Skånetrafiken. If you need information on ANY Øresundtåg, even outside Skåne, you need to go to the Skånetrafikenoffice, not the SJ one.
If you're travelling just for the day (single/return) and travelling together, make sure you buy the Duo/Family Ticket. Saves you a few bucks per ticket.
Well organised station. A lot of choices for nibbles and drinks. Shower facilities available. 10SEK to use the toilets, which are clean unlike many other stations I have seen.
When buying train tickets to Copenhagen from tickerter, don't buy from SJ, they charge more cuz it's not their line! Both ticket offices are next to eazh other, chose office to the right.
If you need to exchange money, go to the exchange office Merex across the street in Malmö Börshus. Less crowded and better rates then Forex in the central station.
Malmö Centralstation är belägen norr om stadens centrum. Gångavståndet till Stortorget är ca 400 meter.
Stationen är under fortsatt ombyggnad. 101212 öppnades citytunneln med Malmö nedre central med två nya plattformar med spår 1-4, spår 5-10 finns i den gamla banhallen.