Average age is around 23, and then there's the tourists, so the crowd is a bit strange. 2 floors with fun commercial music. Most drinks cost 7€. Dress smart.
O melhor sushi de sempre. Uma qualidade impressionante. O sushi dito normal é fresquissimo e o de fusão é uma agradável surpresa. Altamente recomendável.
μια μαλακία δηθενιά, που χωράει 150 άτομα και χώνουν μέσα χίλια. Σέρβις σκατά, ποτά κουκουρούκου. Μουσική ότι ναναι. Οι άντρες πληρώνουν είσοδο, οι κοπέλες όχι #get_real. #never_again