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- Julian KlendaApril 12, 2015We have the #BestLobsterRolls available. ?
http://goo.gl/kvvJu7. ?For more details visit our website! - Julian KlendaMarch 26, 2015We #shiplobster any where in the US and Canada! ?
http://goo.gl/yOAhjP?- order yours today! - Julian KlendaMarch 29, 2015
http://goo.gl/aQU1nZ?- Last chance for #buy3get1free on 14oz #lobstertails! ?Order yours today! - Julian KlendaApril 14, 2015We have #LocalSteamers back! ?http://goo.gl/RfWRpR. ?Add as an appetizer to any order!
- Julian KlendaDecember 3, 2015A few of our friends over in South Carolina enjoying a lobster dinner party!! Thanks for the photos guys! :)
- Julian KlendaApril 21, 2015We have North Atlantic, Cold Water Sea Scallops available! ?http://goo.gl/Qx8WJM
- Julian KlendaJuly 21, 2015We have North Atlantic, Cold Water Sea Scallops available! ?https://goo.gl/mkOxzk
- Julian KlendaApril 16, 2015Steamers and Mussels make great #appetizers to your #lobsterdinner! ?http://goo.gl/DnybsM.
- Julian KlendaJuly 16, 2015Steamers and Mussels make great #appetizers to your #lobsterdinner! ?https://goo.gl/7J3McW
- Julian KlendaJune 7, 20163 DAY SALE!! Time to save! Enjoy free shipping on our delicious Lobster Roll Kits! Offer Valid until Thursday at Midnight!
- Julian KlendaNovember 25, 2016Free shipping on all orders over $150 for Black Friday!Copy Code: "FreeShipFriday" for free shipping on orders ov...
http://bit.ly/2dLrObD - Julian KlendaOctober 31, 2016On November 3rd men cookTake advantage of this and order now Copy Code "cook4me" on checkout page.Order Now:
http://bit.ly/2dkJ6w7Save - Julian KlendaApril 22, 2015- We supply #TheLobsterShackatTwoLights and #ThePortlandLobsterCompany because we have the freshest lobster meat ava... http://goo.gl/jkulcP
- Julian KlendaMarch 16, 2015National Weather Service : Observed Weather for past 3 Days : Portland, Portland International Jetport -
http://1.usa.gov/18yDy9x - Julian KlendaDecember 7, 2015Want to know?how to cook a #mainelobster? ??
http://goo.gl/ol1XoB?- check out our website for everything you need to know! - Julian KlendaDecember 19, 2016BUY $200 on Lobster Tails and receive FREE SHIPPING the next 3 days!CODE: XMAS16TAILSFREESHIP goo.gl/i5ERsx
- Julian KlendaMarch 25, 2015
http://goo.gl/yOAhjP? - It may seem odd, but we are very excited for a 41 degree day! ?#feelslikespring! - Julian KlendaJuly 23, 2015What does Wild Caught mean?
https://goo.gl/ovxJZ3 Click the link for more information! - Julian KlendaApril 19, 2015http://goo.gl/2QKB1b?-?Did you know that people were once ashamed to eat lobster because it was considered a poor mans food?
- Julian KlendaJanuary 28, 2016Check out our most recent blog:
www.mainelobsternow.com/blog#mainewinter #lobsterboat - Julian KlendaApril 2, 2015If you #lovelobster, follow us on Twitter! ?
http://goo.gl/YGE8zj. ? http://goo.gl/yOAhjP??#MaineLobsterNow. - Julian KlendaMay 25, 2015Maine Lobster Now honors those who have served and sacrificed for our freedom! ?HAPPY #MEMORIALDAY EVERYONE!
- Julian KlendaJuly 2, 2015If you #lovelobster, follow us on Twitter! ?
https://goo.gl/vMu5eK.? #MaineLobsterNow. - Julian KlendaApril 1, 2015Send us your best #AprilFools pranks! ?
http://goo.gl/yOAhjP?And stop by the site for some #mainelobster?while you are at it! - Julian KlendaMay 15, 2015
http://goo.gl/HPOiEN?- Grill up some?#MaineLobsterTails now that it's officially grilling season! - Julian KlendaDecember 26, 2015We #shiplobster anywhere in the US and Canada! ?
http://goo.gl/yOAhjP?- order yours today! - Julian KlendaMarch 19, 2015Try our New England #ClamChowdah and Lobster Bisque! ?http://goo.gl/NvUvGh ?#Soyummy !
- Julian KlendaApril 27, 2015MOTHERS DAY SPECIAL!?Save $40 on orders over $200! ?
http://goo.gl/uGWT9n. - Julian KlendaMarch 23, 2015
http://goo.gl/aQU1nZ: ?Take advantage of Customer Appreciation Month before it's over! - Julian KlendaMarch 21, 2015
http://goo.gl/2QKB1b?- Now that #itsofficiallyspring, time to start thinking about a #lobsterboil! - Julian KlendaMay 10, 2015To all the Mom's out there - #HAPPYMOTHER'SDAY from MLN. ?
http://goo.gl/yOAhjP - Julian KlendaMarch 20, 2015
http://goo.gl/yOAhjP??What are you all doing for the #FirstdayofSpring? ?#Springishere! - Julian KlendaApril 5, 2015#HappyEaster everyone! ?Enjoy your day with friends and family! ?
http://goo.gl/yOAhjP - Julian KlendaJune 21, 2015From the Maine Lobster Now Father's to you and yours. ?Happy Father's Day!
- Julian KlendaAugust 25, 2016pinterest:
http://bit.ly/1p8AGZFInstagram: http://bit.ly/2bjiE01Twitter: http: // bit.ly/2brGfx0Linkedin: http://bit.ly/2bEmW76
91 Photos