Egypt food adventure
Farah is one of Egypt food adventure.

1. Farah

Gamaet AL Dowal AL Arabia St, Mohandessin, Giza
Egyptian Restaurant · 12 tips and reviews

Abigail T.Abigail Toner: Great after hours spot (operates 24 hours). Try the chicken shwarma or chicken grill. The marinated tomatoes are fantastic.

Farahat is one of Egypt food adventure.

2. Farahat

77 Syria St (Sudan St), Mit Akaba, Giza Governorate
Egyptian Restaurant · 52 tips and reviews
El Sit Hosneya is one of Egypt food adventure.

3. El Sit Hosneya

(الست حسنية)
47 Michel Bakhoum St., الدقى, محافظة الجيزة
Middle Eastern Restaurant · 11 tips and reviews

YaseminYasemin: Foods are very delicious.

3agina is one of Egypt food adventure.

4. 3agina

32 Shagret El Dor St - Zamalek, القاهرة, القاهرة
Middle Eastern Restaurant · زمالك · No tips or reviews
Am Hawawshy is one of Egypt food adventure.

5. Am Hawawshy

(عم حواوشي)
32 Shagaret El Durr St, زمالك, القاهرة
Egyptian Restaurant · 9 tips and reviews

Alexander S.Alexander Spade ♠️: The Hawawshy was amazing!!

Kebdet El Prince is one of Egypt food adventure.

6. Kebdet El Prince

(كبدة البرنس)
79 Talaat Harb St (Madinat Al O'mal), Embaba, محافظة الجيزة
Egyptian Restaurant · 172 tips and reviews

Ahmed A.Ahmed Al-shabrawy: Don't Forget To Try Wara2et La7ma , Kebda ..They Serve The Best There

Saad El Haramy is one of Egypt food adventure.

7. Saad El Haramy

(سعد الحرامى)
8 Mohamed Helmi Ibrahim St (Shampillion St), Marouf, Cairo Governorate
Falafel Restaurant · وسط البلد · 4 tips and reviews

Row G.Row Gabi: العظماء الصعالكة فقط يعرفون هذا المكان

Shalaby Hawawshi is one of Egypt food adventure.

8. Shalaby Hawawshi

(حواوشي شلبي)
3 Saraya El Azbakia St.- Al Tawfiqiya, Downtown, القاهرة
Egyptian Restaurant · وسط البلد · 9 tips and reviews

Yasmina H.Yasmina Habbal: اطلب المخصوص ؛)

9. Al Madina Restaurant

(مطعم المدينة)
42 Khayrat St (Lazoghly Sq), عابدين, القاهرة
Egyptian Restaurant · 5 tips and reviews

4SQ E.4SQ Egypt: Real Egyptian Soul food as Grilled Liver,Sausage,Kidneys,Okra Beef Tagine,but no way we could order that bizarre Ox-tail or Egyptian famous Lamb Testicles.We felt like the Hunger Games come to life:))

Alfi Bek is one of Egypt food adventure.

10. Alfi Bek

(الفي بيك)
3 Al Alfy st (26 July St.), Al Azbakīyah, القاهرة
Middle Eastern Restaurant · 2 tips and reviews

Kareem N.Kareem Negad: Awesome duck, highly recommended.

Omar Oasis is one of Egypt food adventure.

11. Omar Oasis

(واحة عمر)
Cairo Alex Rd (KM111 - Wadi El Natrun), Wadi El Natrun, محافظة البحيرة
Middle Eastern Restaurant · 40 tips and reviews
Koshari Al-Shee5 is one of Egypt food adventure.

12. Koshari Al-Shee5

Restaurant · No tips or reviews