Villa Borghese is one of Rome.

1. Villa Borghese

Piazzale Flaminio, Roma, Lazio
Park · 402 tips and reviews
Villa Doria Pamphilj is one of Rome.

2. Villa Doria Pamphilj

Villa Doria Pamphili, Roma, Lazio
Park · Gianicolense · 87 tips and reviews

Salvatore D.Salvatore De Carmine: A beautiful park with trails good for running, walking and biking. The villa itself was closed to the public.

Roman Forum is one of Rome.

3. Roman Forum

(Foro Romano)
Via dei Fori Imperiali, Roma, Lazio
Historic and Protected Site · 456 tips and reviews
Colosseum is one of Rome.

4. Colosseum

Piazza del Colosseo (Via dei Fori Imperiali), Roma, Lazio
Historic and Protected Site · 1816 tips and reviews

5. Parco Regionale dell'Appia Antica

Via Appia Antica, 58/60, Roma, Lazio
Park · Ardeatino · 28 tips and reviews

Martin R.Martin Roman: A great place when you wanna escape from a rush city of Rome. Just take a 12km walk passing Via Appia antica to S. Maria delle Mole train station and enjoy atmosphere of this magical ancient road.

Parco degli Acquedotti is one of Rome.

6. Parco degli Acquedotti

Via Lemonia, Roma, Lazio
Park · Appio Claudio · 54 tips and reviews

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Take a walk or have a picnic, feeling the vibe of Ancient Rome. Read more.

7. Villa Ada

Via di Ponte Salario, 47, Roma, Lazio
Park · Parioli · 45 tips and reviews

Stavros V.Stavros Vassos: Big park in near Rome center. Great for walking, running, playing sports, bbq, or just chilling out with friends.

Palatine is one of Rome.

8. Palatine

Via San Gregorio 30, Roma, Lazio
Historic and Protected Site · 164 tips and reviews

9. Foro di Traiano

Piazza Foro Traiano, Roma, Lazio
Historic and Protected Site · Monti · 33 tips and reviews

Mathieu R.Mathieu Raedts: Excellent view on piazza Venezia and via foro imperali, but the entry is a little expensive(9euros)!

10. Chiostro del Bramante

Arco della Pace, 5, Roma, Lazio
Art Museum · Ponte · 52 tips and reviews

Flavia S.Flavia S.: Lovely and quiet cafe: perfect for an early morning date!

Baths of Caracalla is one of Rome.

11. Baths of Caracalla

(Terme di Caracalla)
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 52, Roma, Lazio
Historic and Protected Site · 79 tips and reviews

Nino M.Nino Mann: For me one of the most impressive monuments in Rome

MAXXI Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo is one of Rome.

12. MAXXI Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo

Via Guido Reni, 4/A (Via Flaminia e Via Giovanni Paolo Pannini), Roma, Lazio
Art Museum · Flaminio · 150 tips and reviews

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Modern art museum with an amazing architecture Read more.

Vatican Museums is one of Rome.

13. Vatican Museums

(Musea Vaticana)
Viale Vaticano, Vatican
Art Museum · Stato della Città del Vaticano · 898 tips and reviews
Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna is one of Rome.

14. Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna

Viale delle Belle Arti 131, Roma, Lazio
Art Museum · 67 tips and reviews

15. Villa Torlonia

Via Nomentana, 70, Roma, Lazio
Park · Nomentano · 53 tips and reviews

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Beautiful peaceful garden and lovely villa.

Galleria Borghese is one of Rome.

16. Galleria Borghese

Piazzale Scipione Borghese 5, Roma, Lazio
Art Museum · Pinciano e salario, Rome, Latium · 179 tips and reviews

17. Palazzo delle Esposizioni

Via Nazionale, 194, Roma, Lazio
Art Museum · Monti · 67 tips and reviews

Gabriele P.Gabriele Pannacci: Nice expositions

Passeggiata del Giappone is one of Rome.

18. Passeggiata del Giappone

Passeggiata del Giappone (Laghetto Eur), Roma, Lazio
Park · EUR · 20 tips and reviews

Elite Club VacanzeElite Club Vacanze: When the city of Tokyo donated a group of Japanese "sakura" cherry trees to the council of Rome, they were planted here, to line the avenue which is now called the "Passeggiata del Giappone"

Trajan's Markets - Museum of Imperial Forums is one of Rome.

19. Trajan's Markets - Museum of Imperial Forums

(Mercati di Traiano - Museo dei Fori Imperiali)
Via IV Novembre, 94, Roma, Lazio
History Museum · Trevi · 17 tips and reviews

Artemi M.Artemi Morningstar: A great visit, take your time and explore the garden and forum.

20. Scuderie del Quirinale

Via XXIV Maggio, 16, Roma, Lazio
Museum · Trevi · 29 tips and reviews

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Great viewpoint in which to take in the views of the city.

The Jerry Thomas Project is one of Rome.

21. The Jerry Thomas Project

Vicolo Cellini, 30, Roma, Lazio
Speakeasy · Ponte · 72 tips and reviews

Mattia P.Mattia Procopio: Amazing speakeasy club in Roma! Nice drink, cozy and classy place.

22. Il Goccetto

Via dei Banchi Vecchi, 14 (Via delle Carceri), Roma, Lazio
Wine Bar · Ponte · 44 tips and reviews

Arlene F.Arlene Fletcher: Wine bar with a small menu of cold plates including salads and canapés

Ai Tre Scalini is one of Rome.

23. Ai Tre Scalini

Via Panisperna, 251, Roma, Lazio
Wine Bar · Monti · 400 tips and reviews

24. Rivendita Libri, Cioccolata e Vino

Vicolo de' Cinque, 11, Roma, Lazio
Cocktail Bar · Trastevere · 47 tips and reviews

Felipe L.Felipe Lauton: The Bailey's Shots are AMAZING!

Etabli is one of Rome.

25. Etabli

Vicolo delle Vacche, 9, Roma, Lazio
Wine Bar · Ponte · 88 tips and reviews