My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe
Church of Our Lady is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

1. Church of Our Lady

Neumarkt, Dresden, Sachsen
Church · Neumarkt · 84 tips and reviews
Wawel Castle is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

2. Wawel Castle

(Zamek Królewski na Wawelu)
Wawel 5 (Bernardyńska), Kraków, Województwo małopolskie
Castle · Stare Miasto · 176 tips and reviews
Memorial and Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

3. Memorial and Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau

(Miejsce Pamięci i Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau)
Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, Oświęcim, Województwo małopolskie
History Museum · 187 tips and reviews
Białowieski Park Narodowy is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

4. Białowieski Park Narodowy

Białowieża, Białowieża, P
National Park · 4 tips and reviews
Cathedral Square is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

5. Cathedral Square

(Katedros aikštė)
3 Cathedral Square, Vilnius, Vilniaus apskritis
Plaza · Senamiestis · 63 tips and reviews
Nida is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

6. Nida

City · 25 tips and reviews
Town Hall Square is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

7. Town Hall Square

Kungu iela 3, Rīga, Riga
Plaza · Vecrīga · 30 tips and reviews
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

8. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

(Aleksander Nevski Katedraal)
Lossi Plats 10, Tallinn, Harju maakond
Church · Vanalinn · 33 tips and reviews
Hotel Dinaburg is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

9. Hotel Dinaburg

Dobeles 39, Daugavpils, Daugavpils novads
Hotel · 15 tips and reviews
Patarnieki Border Crossing Point is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

10. Patarnieki Border Crossing Point

(Pāternieku robežkontroles punkts)
Paternieki, Daugavpils novads
Border Crossing · 6 tips and reviews
Эридан is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

11. Эридан

ул. Советская, 21/17, Віцебск, Віцебская вобл.
Hotel · 11 tips and reviews
Прападобная Еуфрасiннiя Полацкая is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

12. Прападобная Еуфрасiннiя Полацкая

Полацк, Віцебская вобл.
Historic and Protected Site · No tips or reviews
Gorky Park is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

13. Gorky Park

(Дзіцячы парк імя Максіма Горкага)
ул. Фрунзе, 2, Мінск, Мінск
Park · 140 tips and reviews
Хатынь is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

14. Хатынь

Khatyn’, Мiнская вобл.
Memorial Site · 28 tips and reviews
Brest Fortress is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

15. Brest Fortress

(Брэсцкая крэпасць)
ул. Героев Обороны Брестской Крепости, Брэст, Брэсцкая вобл.
Historic and Protected Site · 79 tips and reviews
Пункт пропуска «Мокраны» is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

16. Пункт пропуска «Мокраны»

д. Мокраны, Брэсцкая вобл.
Border Crossing · 11 tips and reviews
Lubart's Castle is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

17. Lubart's Castle

(Замок Любарта)
вул. Кафедральна, 1а (вул. Плитниця), Луцьк, Волинська обл.
Castle · 74 tips and reviews
Lviv High Castle is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

18. Lviv High Castle

(Високий Замок)
вул. Високий Замок, Львів, Львівська обл.
Scenic Lookout · 280 tips and reviews
Готель "Вінниця" is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

19. Готель "Вінниця"

вул. Соборна, 69, Вінниця, Вінницька обл.
Hotel · 7 tips and reviews
Soborna Square is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

20. Soborna Square

(Соборна площа)
пл. Соборная (ул. Адмиральская), Миколаїв, Миколаївська обл.
Plaza · 19 tips and reviews
Livadia Palace is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

21. Livadia Palace

(Лівадійський палац)
ул. Батурина, 44-а, Лівадія, АР Крим
Palace · 89 tips and reviews
Swallow's Nest is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

22. Swallow's Nest

(Ластівчине гніздо)
Гаспра, АР Крим
Castle · 135 tips and reviews
Bakhchisaray Khan's Palace is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

23. Bakhchisaray Khan's Palace

(Ханський палац)
ул. Ленина, Бахчисарай, АР Крим
Palace · 73 tips and reviews
Ялта-Интурист / Yalta Intourist is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

24. Ялта-Интурист / Yalta Intourist

ул. Дражинского, 50, Ялта, АР Крим
Hotel · 179 tips and reviews
Potemkin Stairs is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

25. Potemkin Stairs

(Потьомкінські сходи)
Приморский бульвар (ул. Приморская), Одеса, Одеська обл.
Scenic Lookout · 142 tips and reviews
Stephen the Great Monument is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

26. Stephen the Great Monument

(Monumentul lui Ștefan cel Mare)
Bd. Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt (Str. Mitropolit Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni), Chișinău, Municipiul Chișinău
Monument · Centru · 8 tips and reviews
Biserica Mânăstirii Humorului is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

27. Biserica Mânăstirii Humorului

Mănăstirea Humorului, Mănăstirea Humorului, Suceava
Church · 4 tips and reviews
Mânăstirea Voroneț is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

28. Mânăstirea Voroneț

Str. Voroneț nr. 166, Voroneț, Suceava
Monastery · 13 tips and reviews
Hotel & Restaurant Lacul Roșu is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

29. Hotel & Restaurant Lacul Roșu

Lacul Roșu
Hotel · 10 tips and reviews
Biserica Neagră is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

30. Biserica Neagră

Curtea Johannes Honterus nr. 2, Brașov, Brașov
Church · 38 tips and reviews
Piața Mare is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

31. Piața Mare

Piața Mare, Sibiu, Sibiu
Pedestrian Plaza · 32 tips and reviews
Piața Unirii is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

32. Piața Unirii

Bd. Unirii (Splaiul Independenței), București, București
Plaza · Sector 5 · 59 tips and reviews
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

33. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

(Храм-паметник Св. Александър Невски)
пл. Александър Невски 1, София, София-град
Church · Оборище · 53 tips and reviews
Rila Monastery is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

34. Rila Monastery

(Рилски манастир)
Рила, Кюстендил
Monastery · 37 tips and reviews
Ćele kula is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

35. Ćele kula

Dr Zorana Đinđića bb, Niš, Nišavska
Historic and Protected Site · 14 tips and reviews
Belgrade Fortress Kalemegdan is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

36. Belgrade Fortress Kalemegdan

Kalemegdan bb, Београд, Central Serbia
Castle · Kalemegdan · 170 tips and reviews
Ljubljana Castle is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

37. Ljubljana Castle

(Ljubljanski Grad)
Grajska planota 1, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Castle · 139 tips and reviews
Hotel & Gastehaus Krone is one of My roundtrip in Central and Eastern Europe.

38. Hotel & Gastehaus Krone

Kirchplatz 2, Geiselwind, Bayern
Hotel · 2 tips and reviews