Light Rail Station · Boxhagener Kiez · 44 tips and reviews
Luzie Louisa Richt: Your home base during your trip! U1 connects you with Kreuzberg and West Berlin, the S-Bahnhof (Sneltrein station) with the entire city, the Tram stops with mostly East Berlin.
Luzie Louisa Richt: On a sunny day, get yourself half a chicken at the gates of the park (close to the U-Bahnhof) and sit in the park to watch the weirdest and most crazy and entertaining combo of people passing by.
Luzie Louisa Richt: Great club to go out to if you like electronic music. Be aware: men and women use the same bath rooms and like to use too much white stuff. But great venue under the Oberbaumbrucke and awesome sunrise
Luzie Louisa Richt: Worth a walk, also on the other side. If they still exist, boat restaurants along the river. One of them a great turkish restaurant. On the corner to Kottbusserdam, a cafe called Zum Fuchsbau.
Luzie Louisa Richt: West Berlin at its finest. Also a lovely neighborhood with great cafes and small shops from Buddhistic decorations to second hand furniture and jewelery.
Luzie Louisa Richt: New club in Kreuzberg, already known for the underground hipsters, but great electronic music and a real Berlin people experience. Went there before and thought it was fun.
Luzie Louisa Richt: A club that I haven't been to yet, but already heard a lot about it. Apparently the replacement for Bar25, which was a great 4-days-straight-open-air venue that closed. Beware: druggies
Luzie Louisa Richt: You can walk from U+S Friedrichstrasse all the way to Brandenburger Tor and the Bundestag (where all the politics happen). A lot of history (incl. Berlin wall and re-establishing the parliament)
Luzie Louisa Richt: Potsdamer Platz might be boring by now, but this park is cool. You can chill with best ice-cream or bagel in town (from the mall) on the triangular faux-hills.
Luzie Louisa Richt: On Winterfeldstrasse, THE in-spot 20-30 years ago. The bar was then one of the first with a sand floor. They still do to this day. Known to be 'true' Berlinish.