Chinese Restaurant · Chinatown · 108 tips and reviews
Aiza Minelle Cruz: Frog legs taste better than i imagined it to be, making it worth the wait. And oh, the porridge and raw fish are nice as well. Indeed, for good foods must wait!
Rory C: The best place to buy fresh fish in London. The selection is unequaled and the prices brilliant. You do have to get there before 6am though. The "greasy spoon" does bacon and scallop rolls, wow.
232 8th Ave (btwn W 21st & W 22nd St), New York, NY
Italian Restaurant · Chelsea · 126 tips and reviews
Emily Wilson: Super tasty, creative dishes that don't really compliment one another at all. The menu is all over the place but the Impossible Burger, butter noodle, and raw beef stand out. Fun foodie experience.