Grand Place is one of Brussels.

1. Grand Place

(Grote Markt)
Grote Markt / Grand Place, Brussel, Brussel-Hoofdstad
Plaza · Brussel · 661 tips and reviews

Ramon S.Ramon Suarez: For the best chocolate around the Grand Place go to Galler,in the little pedestrian street going down towards Bourse. My favorite is the Noir 85

Delirium Café is one of Brussels.

2. Delirium Café

Getrouwheidsgang 4A Impasse de la Fidélité, Brussel, Brussel-Hoofdstad
Beer Bar · Brussel · 752 tips and reviews

Les Auberges de JeunesseLes Auberges de Jeunesse: This bar is THE Eldorado : thousands of beers from Belgium and all over the world. But be careful, it's a VERY busy place; tourists (and a few locals) invade it day and night.

Brussels Town Hall is one of Brussels.

3. Brussels Town Hall

(Stadhuis van Brussel)
Grote Markt / Grand Place, Brussel, Brussel-Hoofdstad
City Hall · Brussel · 24 tips and reviews

Erwin V.Erwin Vanhecke: They say the architect hanged himself when he saw the building was not symmetric.

Ter Kamerenbos / Bois de la Cambre is one of Brussels.

4. Ter Kamerenbos / Bois de la Cambre

Terhulpensesteenweg / Chaussée de la Hulpe, Brussel, Brussel-Hoofdstad
Forest · Bois de la Cambre · 74 tips and reviews
Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula is one of Brussels.

5. Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula

(Sint-Michiels en Sint-Goedelekathedraal)
Parvis Sainte-Gudule / Sint-Goedelevoorplein, Brussel, Brussel-Hoofdstad
Church · Brussel · 54 tips and reviews
Forêt de Soignes / Zoniënwoud is one of Brussels.

6. Forêt de Soignes / Zoniënwoud

Zoniënwoud / Forêt de Soignes
Forest · Watermaal-Bosvoorde · 32 tips and reviews

Christian D.Christian DE NEEF: Prefer the early morning/late afternoon hours: the light is beautiful then, there will be less tourists, and you may even run into a fox or maybe even a small deer (and my dog, most probably)

Musical Instruments Museum is one of Brussels.

7. Musical Instruments Museum

Hofberg 2 Rue Montagne de la Cour, Brussel, Brussel-Hoofdstad
History Museum · Brussel · 92 tips and reviews

Andrea B.Andrea Bravo Balado: It's a nice place to visit if you really like the history of musical instruments but the price of the ticket seems expensive compared to the size of the collection.

Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium is one of Brussels.

9. Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium

(Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België)
Regentschapsstraat 3 Rue de la Régence, Brussel, Brussel-Hoofdstad
Art Museum · Brussel · 44 tips and reviews

Leonardo C.Leonardo Couto: The place is big, you will spend at least 3 hours here. A lot of queues too.

Parlamentarium is one of Brussels.

10. Parlamentarium

Esplanade Solidarność 1980 (Rue Wiertzstraat 60), Ixelles
Museum · Brussel · 58 tips and reviews

Jaume D.Jaume Duch: Come to the largest parliamentary visitors' Centre in Europe, in 23 languages and using impressive interactive multimedia tools to give you a unique insight into the European Parliament and the EU.

Atomium is one of Brussels.

11. Atomium

Square de l'Atomiumsquare, Brussel, Brussel-Hoofdstad
Monument · Heizel · 368 tips and reviews