21 CORN EXCHANGE OWLS inside“We inhabit Cuthbert Broderick’s masterpiece from the 1860’s. Trading Corn was our business, shopping was our rebirth and now there’s tasty food and wine here.”
22 CORN EXCHANGE OWLS outside“A cylindrical Yorkshire stone palace like a giant sweet jar with a dome lid. Dedicated to the commerce of corn. Buses galore that’s what we see morning, noon and tea!”
Although very good for food the Corn Exchange lacks a good coffee shop head onto Call Lane just round the corner to La Bottega, which offers some of the best coffee in the country.
Designed by Cuthbert Brodrick and completed in 1863. Leeds Corn Exchange has a wonderful choice of shops, selling everything from handbags and homeware to your favourite American sweets, fashion, jewellery, maternitywear, toys and must-have gifts.