You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire
University of New Hampshire is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

1. University of New Hampshire

105 Main St (Garrison Ave.), Durham, NH
University · 20 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Attend an evening program where writer and teacher Rebecca Rule tells stories that embody the best of rural New Hampshire humor and mirth.

2. Moose Hunting - Pine Hill Swamp

Ossipee, NH
Scenic Lookout · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Head to Pittsburg and cruise Moose Alley—that’s U.S. Rt. 3 for eight or 10 miles north of the village. Best time to see the critters is just before dusk.

3. Brookford Farm

70 Sligo Rd, Rollinsford, NH
Uncategorized · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Visit a real working dairy farm and stand in the pit of the milking parlor and watch what happens.

4. State House Tunnel

107 N Main St, Concord, NH
Structure · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Learn and sing the words to “Old New Hampshire.” It’s the official state song and was only adopted after years of legislative wrangling.

The Mount Washington Cog Railway is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

5. The Mount Washington Cog Railway

3168 Base Station Rd, Mount Washington, NH
Attraction · 19 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: It’s mostly diesel-powered now, but there’s a steam locomotive still making the first run of the day just like a century ago.

Canaan Speedway is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

6. Canaan Speedway

Canaan, NH
Race Track · 2 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Dress down.

7. Colebrook Mud Run

Colebrook, NH
Race Track · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Travel the back roads of Colebrook, Stewartstown and Columbia and look at the vast fields and pastures once home to dozens of farms and hundreds of cows now rapidly reverting to spruce forest.

Franklin High School is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

8. Franklin High School

35-99 Central St, Franklin, NH
High School · 3 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Go watch a high school football game between teams from tough old mill towns such as Franklin and Newport. It’s not NFL quality ball, but the kids play with heart.

North Woods Rafting is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

9. North Woods Rafting

308 Milan Rd (Rt 16), Milan, NH
Rafting Spot · 3 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Canoe or kayak a section of the Connecticut, Merrimack or, the best, Androscoggin white water.

Cornish Fair is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

10. Cornish Fair

274 Town House Rd, Town of Cornish, NH
Fair · 2 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Stand at the rail of the ox-pulling ring at the Cornish Fair and listen to the rich regional accents of the teamsters and their fans.

Dartmouth College is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

11. Dartmouth College

6016 McNutt Hall, Hanover, NH
University · 7 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Hear a fascinating lecture on early New Hampshire history delivered by Dartmouth Prof. Jere Daniell. He appears often around the state.

Mount Monroe is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

12. Mount Monroe

New Hampshire
Mountain · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Drive Rt. 135 north from Woodsville through Monroe and on toward Lancaster for a glimpse of an unspoiled 1930s New Hampshire landscape.

Jackson Covered Bridge is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

13. Jackson Covered Bridge

Main St, Jackson, NH
Bridge · 4 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Get out of your car and slowly walk through any New Hampshire covered bridge. Imagine the skill and toil it took to build such a marvel when there was no such thing as a power tool.

Berlin City Hall is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

14. Berlin City Hall

Main Street, Berlin, NH
City Hall · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Pick up and read a copy of one of the fine weekly papers that cover the North Country—they’re the last real hometown journalism left in the state.

New Hampshire Veterans Home is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

15. New Hampshire Veterans Home

Tilton, NH
Assisted Living · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Get a copy of “My Brave Boys” by Mark Travis and Mike Pride and read the incredible story of the Fifth New Hampshire Volunteers, one of the greatest Civil War regiments.

Lindy's Diner is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

16. Lindy's Diner

19 Gilbo Ave, Keene, NH
Diner · 11 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: See in person every major candidate running for president. As soon as one election is over they start showing up campaigning for the next one. Be sure to try an order of onion rings..

M&D Productions "Your Theater" is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

17. M&D Productions "Your Theater"

1857 White Mountain Hwy (Willow Common), North Conway, NH
Performing Arts Venue · 2 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Sign up with a community theater group and discover the talent right in your midst.

Nelson Town Hall is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

18. Nelson Town Hall

7 Nelson Common Rd, Nelson, NH
Town Hall · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Put on soft-soled shoes and head for the contradance at the Nelson town hall. It’s been going on every Monday evening for three quarters of a century.

Weirs Beach is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

19. Weirs Beach

Lake Winnipesaukee, Laconia, NH
Beach · 13 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Enjoy fried dough sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon at Weirs Beach or Deerfield Fair.

20. Taunton Hill Farm Sugar House

Andover, NH
Farm · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Watch the sap boil at a sugarhouse and taste some syrup hot from the evaporator. Then step outside and listen to the drip-drip-drip from a tree spout into a bucket for another kind of sweet music.

Manchester District Court is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

21. Manchester District Court

35 Amherst St, Manchester, NH
Courthouse · Downtown Manchester · 5 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Sit in the gallery of any district court on small claims day.

22. Grange Farm And Fair Museum

Topsfield, MA
Arts and Entertainment · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Attend a Grange meeting and find out how the organization had such deep influence on public policy in New Hampshire a century ago.

Jericho Mountain State Park is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

23. Jericho Mountain State Park

Berlin, Berlin, NH
State or Provincial Park · 2 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Hop on a snowmobile and tour the trails of Coos County right after a fresh snowfall. You’ll find stunning views everywhere.

Sandwich Creamery is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

24. Sandwich Creamery

134 Hannah Rd (at Rt 113A), Sandwich, NH
Ice Cream Parlor · 4 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Treat yourself to some real New Hampshire ice cream—stuff that’s made from milk from cows right nearby. Try Sandwich Creamery or one of the newer brands that are coming on the market.

Deerfield Fair is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

25. Deerfield Fair

34 Stage Rd, Deerfield, NH
Fair · 7 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Watch the sheep-to-shawl competition at the New Hampshire Sheep and Wool Festival in Deerfield or at one of the agricultural fairs.

Zeb's General Store is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

26. Zeb's General Store

2675 White Mountain Hwy, North Conway, NH
Gift Store · 29 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Get caught in a big fat foliage weekend traffic jam on Rt. 16 in Conway.

Hampton Beach State Park is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

27. Hampton Beach State Park

160 Ocean Blvd, Hampton, NH
State or Provincial Park · 85 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: For a real crowd experience head for Hampton Beach on the Fourth of July.

Glendi Festival is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

28. Glendi Festival

650 Hanover St, Manchester, NH
Greek Restaurant · 3 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Enjoy lamb kebabs and baklava to die for at Glendi, the Manchester Greek community’s September festival.

P.Y.O. Blueberries is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

29. P.Y.O. Blueberries

North Sandwich, NH
Farm · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Join a crew harvesting wild low-bush blueberries on the rocky barrens around Prospect Mountain in Alton.

Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

30. Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette

410 NH Route 4A, Enfield, NH
Spiritual Center · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: See the Christmas light display at the LaSalette Shrine in Enfield.

Millyard Museum is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

31. Millyard Museum

200 Bedford St, Manchester, NH
Museum · Downtown Manchester · 3 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Walk the Amoskeag Millyard and imagine when it was the center of the greatest textile complex in the world.

Isle of Shoals Steamship is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

32. Isle of Shoals Steamship

315 Market St, Portsmouth, NH
Boat or Ferry · 6 tips and reviews
M/V Thomas Laighton is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

33. M/V Thomas Laighton

Portsmouth, ME
Boat or Ferry · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Board the Thomas Laighton at the Portsmouth docks and enjoy a trip to the Isles of Shoals.

Umbagog Lake State Park is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

34. Umbagog Lake State Park

Errol, Errol, NH
State or Provincial Park · 4 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Bundle up and go sit in a bob house and do some fishing through the ice.

Dartmouth Hall is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

35. Dartmouth Hall

23 College Street, Hanover, NH 03755, United States, Hanover, NH
College Academic Building · 2 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Take in the Homecoming Game bonfire at the center of the Dartmouth Green in Hanover.

Harman's Cheese is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

36. Harman's Cheese

Sugar Hill, NH
Deli · 2 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Drink a soda by Squamscot Beverages from a glass bottle. NH`s own since 1863, 24 old fashioned, hand-crafted flavors of soda. Experience the Past...One Sip at a Time.

Apple Hill Farm is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

37. Apple Hill Farm

580 Mountain Rd, Concord, NH
Farm · 6 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Pick your own berries or apples at a nearby farm. Then go home and make some nice jam or applesauce.

Sanders Lobster Company is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

38. Sanders Lobster Company

54 Pray St, Portsmouth, NH
Fish Market · 3 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Watch the lobstermen offload the day’s catch at Saunders Lobster Co. in Portsmouth.

The Brick Store is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

39. The Brick Store

21 Lisbon Road (at West Bath Rd), Bath, NH
Miscellaneous Store · 5 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Ask Ray Burton for an invitation to his annual summer lawn party at his farm in Bath. You’ll find a bipartisan mix of North Country and downstate politicos on hand for the ham and beans.

40. Hampton River Bridge

1 Ocean Blvd (Rt 1A), Hampton, NH
Bridge · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Dig some clams in the Hampton River. (Recreational shellfishing is allowed in the harbor area under limited conditions on weekends from November to May.)

League On NH Craftsmen Fair is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

41. League On NH Craftsmen Fair

Newbury, NH
Art Gallery · 3 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: The Annual League of NH Craftsmen's Fair is a nine-day event that showcases the work of more than 350 craftspeople's items made by hand.

Pumpkin Festival is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

42. Pumpkin Festival

Keene, NH
Festival · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: See thousands upon thousands of jack o‘lanterns lit up and on display at the annual pumpkin festival in Keene. They turn off the street lights to deliver the full effect.

Robert Lincoln Levy Gallery is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

43. Robert Lincoln Levy Gallery

136 State St (btwn Penhallow & Atkinson), Portsmouth, NH
Art Gallery · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Study the New Hampshire photography of Peter Randall.

Swains Lake is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

44. Swains Lake

190 Stadig Rd, Barrington, NH
Lake · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Go on a coon hunt through Connecticut Valley cornfields or try fishing for horned pout.

AMC Zealand Falls Hut is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

45. AMC Zealand Falls Hut

Mt. Lafayette, White Mountain National Forest, NH
Hiking Trail · 5 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Stay overnight at an Appalachian Mountain Club hut high in the White Mountains.

Great Glen Trails is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

46. Great Glen Trails

New Hampshire
Ski Resort and Area · 5 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Chat with a skier from the Greatest Generation who served in the 10th Mountain Division in World War II, or one who competed at the Nansen Jump in Berlin when the sport of jumping was in its heyday.

Old Stone Arch Bridge is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

47. Old Stone Arch Bridge

Court Street, Keene, NH
Other Great Outdoors · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Serenade your sweetheart as you stand beneath the Great Stone Arch in Tilton.

48. Potash Bowl

Swanzey, NH
Theater · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Take in the play “The Old Homestead” in Swanzey, staged annually for generations.

Sinibaldi's is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

49. Sinibaldi's

207 E Mason St, Berlin, NH
American Restaurant · 5 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: For a Christmas feast, buy—or make—tortiere, the hearty French- Canadian pork pie.

Buck Rub Pub is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

50. Buck Rub Pub

2253 N Main St, Pittsburg, NH
Bar · 2 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Turn on a radio in Pittsburg and see what comes in. It’ll probably be in French.

51. Coleman State Park

Stewartstown, Colebrook, NH
State or Provincial Park · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Head into an alder swamp in April and pick some fiddleheads. Take them home and fry them in butter.

Kilton Public Library is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

52. Kilton Public Library

57 S Main St, West Lebanon, NH
Library · 2 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Read a novel by West Lebanon author Ernest Hebert and see if any of the characters seem like people in your town.

Northern Forest Heritage Park is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

53. Northern Forest Heritage Park

961 Main St, Berlin, NH
Park · 3 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Learn the difference between a forwarder, a slasher and a feller-buncher and how technology has radically changed the way trees are harvested in the forests of New Hampshire today.

Berlin Farmers Market is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

54. Berlin Farmers Market

Pleasant St/ Rt. 16 (Mechanic Street), Berlin, NH
Farmers Market · 6 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Check out a farmers’ market. The state has more than 80 of them, and some even run during the winter months.

Plymouth State University is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

55. Plymouth State University

17 High St, Plymouth, NH
University · 3 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Observe the importance of small-town identity when the state high school basketball championships for the smallest schools are underway at Plymouth State University.

Boynton's Taproom is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

56. Boynton's Taproom

155 Dow St, Manchester, NH
Bar · Downtown Manchester · 8 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Watch one of the masters create an ox yoke. Bob Boynton of Dunbarton and Tim Huppe in Farmington carry on a craft tracing back many centuries.

Gas Lighter Restaurant is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

57. Gas Lighter Restaurant

204 N Main St, Concord, NH
Greek Restaurant · 2 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Enjoy some souvlaki at the Gaslighter in Concord, and maybe one of the regulars will let you peek at his Greek newspaper.

Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

58. Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site

139 Saint Gaudens Rd, Town of Cornish, NH
Historic and Protected Site · 7 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Stand in the studio at Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site in Cornish and visualize the great sculptor at work on his seated Abraham Lincoln.

Flag Hill Winery & Distillery is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

59. Flag Hill Winery & Distillery

297 N River Rd (Riverside Farm Drive), Lee, NH
Winery · 12 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Try some New Hampshire wine or a shot of hard stuff from Flag Hill Distillery in Lee. Or sample hard cider made from heirloom cider apples at Farnum Hill in Lebanon.

North Haverhill Fair Grounds is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

60. North Haverhill Fair Grounds

1299 Dartmouth College Hwy., North Haverhill, NH
Fair · 2 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Learn how to use a scythe and snath and cut hay the way the oldtimers did. If you get good at it enter the handmowing contest at the North Haverhill Fair.

Fort Constitution is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

61. Fort Constitution

Sullivan Ln, New Castle, NH
Lighthouse · 2 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Study the layout of the villages of New Castle and Sandwich and see fine examples of 18th and 19th century vision and planning.

Cathedral of the Pines is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

62. Cathedral of the Pines

10 Hale Hill Rd, Rindge, NH
Event Space · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Watch the sunrise at the Cathedral of the Pines in Rindge.

McNamara Dairy is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

63. McNamara Dairy

313 River Rd, Plainfield, NH
Farm · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Enjoy chocolate milk from a glass bottle and produced by McNamara Dairy in Plainfield or one of the other farmstead milk processors that have recently appeared around the state.

Tugboat Alley/ Tug Alley Too is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

64. Tugboat Alley/ Tug Alley Too

47 Bow St, Portsmouth, NH
Boat or Ferry · 2 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Watch the Moran tugboats nudge an oil tanker up the Piscataqua River into Portsmouth Harbor.

Mount Washington is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

65. Mount Washington

White Mountain Hwy, Sargents Purchase, NH
Mountain · 35 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Pick a bright sunny day for a visit to the summit of Mount Washington. Whether you go by car, by rail or by foot, you’ll be wise to bring warm clothing along.

medallion opera house is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

66. medallion opera house

20 Park St, Gorham, NH
Opera House · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Attend town meeting without fail. If you live in a town that still has the traditional “real” town meeting, savor every moment of this totally democratic institution.

Colebrook Country Club is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

67. Colebrook Country Club

15 Abenaki Ln, Colebrook, NH
Golf Course · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Kick the tires on the log skidders and well-worn tractors at the Eddie Nash equipment emporium outside Colebrook and visit with some of the interesting people who may be there looking to buy a rig.

Winnipesaukee Pier is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

68. Winnipesaukee Pier

263 Lakeside Ave., Weirs Beach, NH
Arcade · 2 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Take in a rowdy rafting party on Winnipesaukee or the Saco River.

Calef's Country Store is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

69. Calef's Country Store

149 NH Rte. 9, Barrington, NH
Vintage and Thrift Store · 14 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Enjoy a slice of extra sharp cheddar cheese from Calef’s Store in Barrington or Harman’s in Sugar Hill. Or taste some of the new cheese varieties New Hampshire artisan cheesemakers are turning out.

The Ridge is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

70. The Ridge

Hartford, VT
Uncategorized · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Admire the “Seven Swans” on The Ridge in Orford, elegant mansions that bear the influence of Bulfinch, Morey and other great architects of post- Revolutionary America.

Mt. Monadnoock is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

71. Mt. Monadnoock

Peterborough, NH
Hiking Trail · 2 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Climb Mount Monadnock and see why it is said to be the most-climb mountain in the United States.

Black Forest Cafe is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

72. Black Forest Cafe

212 New Hampshire 101, Amherst, NH
Café · 18 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Get out of the car and walk around the prettiest town commons you can find. Start at Haverhill and be sure to see those in Walpole and Amherst along you way.

Chez Vachon is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

73. Chez Vachon

136 Kelley St, Manchester, NH
Breakfast Spot · West Side Manchester · 24 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Place a large order for poutine at Chez Vachon in Manchester. Those French fries topped with cheese curds and spicy gravy will satisfy the most discriminating palate.

The Rockingham Ballroom is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

74. The Rockingham Ballroom

22 Ash Swamp Rd, Newmarket, NH
Arts and Entertainment · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Dance cheek to cheek. Think of the times when the Dorsey Brothers, Paul Whiteman, Cab Calloway and other greats from the big band era played there. And the place offers dancing shoes for sale.

Circle 9 Ranch Campground is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

75. Circle 9 Ranch Campground

39 Windymere Dr, Epsom, NH
Campground · 2 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: If it’s country music you enjoy, head for Epsom and the Circle 9 Ranch, the state’s liveliest venue for the genre. There are line dancing lessons before the bands fire up, and it’s BYOB.

Portsmouth Farmer's Market is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

76. Portsmouth Farmer's Market

1 Junkins Ave (Lincoln Ave), Portsmouth, NH
Farmers Market · 6 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Always, always buy brown eggs, preferably fresh from the 4-H kid’s flock down the road.

77. Lincoln Woodstock recycle center

Recycle Road, Lincoln, NH
Recycling Facility · 2 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Socialize at your local transfer station. It used to be the smoky dump where neighbors were sure to swap gossip, now the recycling bins and mammoth dumpsters serve just as well as the lure.

L.L. Cote Sports Shop & Convenience is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

78. L.L. Cote Sports Shop & Convenience

25 Main St, Errol, NH
Sporting Goods Retail · 3 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Hang around a deer weighing station and watch and listen to what goes on.

Robert Frost Farm is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

79. Robert Frost Farm

122 Rockingham Rd, Derry, NH
Historic and Protected Site · 4 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Also, Read the New Hampshire-focused essays of Donald Hall and novels by Thomas Williams.

Sugar Hill Inn is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

80. Sugar Hill Inn

116 Route 117 (at Sugar Hill Rd), Sugar Hill, NH
Hotel · 4 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Make sugar on snow.

George's Diner is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

81. George's Diner

10 Plymouth St, Meredith, NH
Diner · 17 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Eat at any place that serves a good plate of fried tripe.

82. Town Pump Antiques

Northwood, NH
Antique Store · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Count the yard sales, antiques shops and collectibles vendors on U.S. Rt. 4 through Northwood.

Loon Mountain is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

83. Loon Mountain

60 Loon Mountain Rd (at Route 112), Lincoln, NH
Ski Resort and Area · 27 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Pick up a DeLorme’s Atlas and go find places like Poocham, Bungy, Trapshire and Hemlock.

Scenic Vista Intervale NH is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

84. Scenic Vista Intervale NH

3654 White Mountain Hwy, North Conway, NH
Scenic Lookout · 9 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Know what an “intervale” is and what Robert Frost thought about it.

Beaver Brook is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

85. Beaver Brook

Bethlehem, NH
Scenic Lookout · 1 tip

Laura J.Laura J: Read anything written by John Harrigan, North Country newspaperman, outdoorsman, logger, raconteur.

Home Hill Inn and Restaurant is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

86. Home Hill Inn and Restaurant

703 River Rd, Plainfield, NH
Bed and Breakfast · 2 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Look up at a clear New Hampshire winter sky at dusk and see where the term “Maxfield Parrish blue” came from.

Mount Washington Auto Road Visitors Center And Cafe is one of You should do to KNOW the REAL New Hampshire.

87. Mount Washington Auto Road Visitors Center And Cafe

White Mountain Rd, Gorham, NH
Tourist Information and Service · 3 tips and reviews

Laura J.Laura J: Learn why the road agent is often the most important person in a rural town.