La Tetería

La Tetería

Tea Room and Caf退€€
Centro Histórico, Málaga
  • Tips
    Nikita L.
    "Great selection of teas, cozy atmosphere!"(3 Tips)
    Abdulaziz S.
    "The best crepe i have ever eaten outstanding cafe the best in malaga"(14 Tips)
    Christine H.
    "Cake, lassis, crepes, coffee were all great!"(3 Tips)
    Aida R.
    "El surtido de tartas (tarts) es genial, todas estan buenisimas."(9 Tips)
Tips and Reviews icon50 Tips and reviews
  • tea
  • desserts
  • tarts
  • cake
  • milkshakes
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  • Mara C.heart icon on user image
    Mara CruzadoMarch 27, 2013
    Been here 10+ times
    Awesome drinks (not just tea !), cakes to die for, and staff are the loveliest lot :) Visit if you get a chance.
  • annlouheart icon on user image
    annlouApril 10, 2016
    I had a very delicious smoothie with avocado. And a herbal tea. Busy place but the waiters are nice and fast 😊
  • tricia w.heart icon on user image
    tricia wangSeptember 19, 2017
    My everyday work spot, great wifi -extends to the first row of outside seats! Too many flies for daytime outside seating but great at night for a glass of wine, tea, or dessert. Carrot cake 👐🏾
  • Tanna M.heart icon on user image
    Tanna ManriqueJuly 14, 2017
    Crepe with chestnut and cinnamon cream was delicious! (Iced) teas were amazing, homemade and you can choose whether or not you want sugar added. I highly recommend this place!
  • Kuba S.heart icon on user image
    Kuba SuderJanuary 28, 2018
    Nice cafe, good for working for a couple hours on your laptop, great selection of teas and good cakes. The waiter speaks zero English though (even stuff like black vs. green tea) 🤦🏻‍♂️
  • David U.heart icon on user image
    David UlicnyDecember 16, 2014
    The best Tarta de Limon! Great teas! Excellent :) and higly recommended to everyone :) wifi without password and not regulated by time
  • Aygul Bilgi C.
    Aygul Bilgi C.December 5, 2015
    Crepes and teas amazing; highly recommended but too crowded, you are very lucky if you can find a place 😊☕️
  • John S.heart icon on user image
    John SeedhouseMarch 24, 2013
    Been here 25+ times
    Pretty much my central Málaga office. Best iced cinnamon and lemon tea ever in the summer and great Tunisian tea in the winter. Leftlung loves La_Teteria . ❤
  • Abdulaziz S.heart icon on user image
    Abdulaziz SulimanNovember 9, 2015
    The best crepe i have ever eaten outstanding cafe the best in malaga
  • Cat M.
    Passion fruit smoothie was so good, I had two! Sandwiches are very large, but made on excellent bread!
  • Christine H.heart icon on user image
    Christine HMay 6, 2019
    Once discovered, we stopped here everyday. Cake, lassis, crepes, coffee were all great!
  • Anastasia T.heart icon on user image
    Anastasia TimoshchukSeptember 17, 2015
    Big maroccan tea and carrot cake.. Mm.. Delicious! Best tea in Malaga.
  • Jakob A.
    Jakob AndersenApril 9, 2012
    Great takeaway of sandwiches and delicious iced teas, good if you don't want to be away from hospital galvez to long when visiting there
  • Panosheart icon on user image
    PanosMarch 6, 2019
    They don't just have teas, but also delicious smoothies (also from nuts) and lassis.
  • Sima Š.heart icon on user image
    Sima ŠimkutėApril 11, 2017
    Tasty and big desserts, good coffee and tea.
  • Chris H.
    Chris HApril 21, 2013
    Great selection of tea and a few Belgian beers to complement crepes and desserts, great staff
  • Nikita L.heart icon on user image
    Nikita LavrinenkoDecember 15, 2014
    Great selection of teas, cozy atmosphere! Try the sandwich mediterraneo with mint!
  • Abdul-Halik A.
    Abdul-Halik AzeezJune 9, 2013
    Perhaps the decor is a tad overboard but the foods great. Nice location with great views of the cathedral
  • Anastasia T.heart icon on user image
    Anastasia TimoshchukSeptember 18, 2015
    Amazing cakes!
  • Olena K.heart icon on user image
    Olena KaunFebruary 23, 2016
    Great choice of teas. Tasty sandwiches and crepes
  • Constantin W.heart icon on user image
    Constantin WAugust 30, 2017
    Excellent Choice of teas & very good Sandwiches!
  • Vi* ..heart icon on user image
    Vi* ...June 1, 2022
    Great variety of teas and nice pies!
  • Anastasia T.heart icon on user image
    Anastasia TimoshchukSeptember 17, 2015
    Great Marocan tea and sweets.
  • Victor G.
    Victor GarridoNovember 18, 2011
    Best tea shop in Malaga. They have free WiFi, ask the waiter for the password
  • Sylvia
    SylviaAugust 26, 2012
    Try the combination of black tea, milk and liqueur, strongly recommended!
  • Vürst M.
    Vürst MarekDecember 5, 2012
    Good crepes and tasty tea with smiling people :)
  • Miguel C.
    Miguel ColmenaresApril 21, 2011
    excellent tea shop with loads of varieties and a good selection of desserts
  • Inna
    InnaFebruary 4, 2012
    Great Moroccan tea. Wi-fi network jazztel_14, password E001D20D9B614
  • Kuba S.heart icon on user image
    Kuba SuderJanuary 26, 2018
  • Jennifer F.
    Jennifer FortunatoOctober 2, 2015
    Delicious mint tea!
  • Justas S.
    Justas SimonaviciusApril 8, 2017
    Good cake, more than average coffee
  • Lewin H.heart icon on user image
    Lewin Higgins-GreenJanuary 14, 2017
    Tasty breakfast
  • Stefanie V.
    Stefanie VrakkingJanuary 30, 2011
    Try the munta tea! Absolutly the best tea ever!!
  • Humaid B.heart icon on user image
    Humaid BinyelaiyelMarch 2, 2017
    Baqlawa 👍
  • Inna
    InnaFebruary 4, 2012
    And the best carrot cake I've ever tried!!!
  • AF_Blogheart icon on user image
    AF_BlogJune 2, 2018
    Kleine Teestube in Nähe der Kathedrale und des Picasso Museum. Tolle Auswahl zu fairen Preisen. Plätze auf der Straße sind toll zum Menschen beobachten ;).
  • Jun M.heart icon on user image
    Jun MisugiSeptember 18, 2012
    Been here 50+ times
    Comer, merendar, o simplemente tomar un descanso... Un pequeño espacio de relax en el corazón de Málaga. Muy buenas las crepes, y hay miles de tipos de tés. Si tienes suerte oyes musica callejera.
  • Raul F.heart icon on user image
    Raul Fernandez WilkinsonDecember 12, 2019
    Tomamos el chocolate caliente con naranja, buenísimo pero muy consistente, y para rematar una tarta Sacher. Es un sitio ideal para merendar y charlar.
  • Julián G.
    Casi 100 tipos de tés distintos. Si pides uno puedes llenar la taza tres o cuatro veces. Preparados con buen gusto y riquísimos. Sitio totalmente recomendable. Julián Madrid
  • Virginiaheart icon on user image
    VirginiaJuly 27, 2012
    Been here 25+ times
    Tes de calidad, me encanta el te rojo. Las mejores crepes que he probado nunca, la mejor la crepe de tomate, pimiento, queso manchego y hierbabuena. La dulce la de chocolate con plátano y nueces.
  • Raquel C.heart icon on user image
    Raquel CondeNovember 22, 2014
    Todavía se me hace la boca agua al recordar la riquísima tarta de galleta de chocolate... Los dulces son una locura, los crees también y los tés deliciosos... VIVA MÁLAGA!
  • Nuria D.
    Nuria Del Campo MartínezSeptember 29, 2014
    Un lugar delicioso para pasar una tarde tranquila entre amigos. El servicio es muy simpático y atento. ¡Las tartas espectaculares!
  • Purificacion V.heart icon on user image
    Gran variedad de tes y dulces. Delicioso el crepe de chocolate y la tarta de queso. Muy bien ambientado y servicio excelente. Visita obligada!
  • Luis A.
    Luis AndradeAugust 27, 2018
    Crepe de queijo com presunto Serrano ibérico. Pra acompanhar sorvete de abacaxi com coco...
  • Bystander L.heart icon on user image
    Bystander LinodeJune 21, 2017
    Thés de toutes sortes. Bocadillos de qualité. Un peu cher - surtout pour un simple café - mais la qualité et l'emplacement justifient le prix.
  • Carlos F.heart icon on user image
    Carlos FernándezAugust 25, 2014
    Mousse de Jade con Coco y Creppe de Chocolate con Avellana, local bonito, buen servicio y lo mas importante, todo esta riquisimo
  • Tadeo F.
    Tadeo FurestJuly 21, 2013
    Recomendable a los visitantes. Estar en la terraza en el entorno del museo Picasso es un placer
  • Bea B.
    Bea B.July 2, 2013
    Nada barato, pero merece la pena. La infusión de cannabis y el dulce de pistacho, de lo mejor. No dejes de probarlo!
  • Juan A.
    Juan Alcayde GuiradoOctober 27, 2012
    Siempre he considerado esta teteria como muy buena hasta hoy el batido de galletas y azahar pasadisimo de azahar el de fresa sabia a cualquier cosa menos a fresa. El sevicio bien
  • pablazo d.
    pablazo durcalJanuary 1, 2015
    Por fin un establecimiento donde le han declarado la guerra a las ensucialletas, ese producto inútil que solo sirve para esparcir la suciedad en tus dedos y cabrear a la peña. Suave color ocre aquí.
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