Created by Lara Bruni Updated On: January 21, 2012
Travel is one of my favourite state of mind...and body obviously! ;D...
I start a travel when i move from my house and ending it two weeks after being returned. Bring every travel with you for ever!
Lara Bruni: One of the most romantic ruines in Mexico...sleep at the Panchan camping, forest nature and adventure!!! Good night with the howler monkeys!!
Lara Bruni: the most mystical place visitaed in rajastan...if you are there...put your ring bell at 5.30 in the morning..and go on the lake to see the real life of an Indian Holy city.
Lara Bruni: Cuba is not only, Caribbean Sea, rum and cola, salsa dancing ... but also a peaceful country village with plantations of tobacco, clean air and the most beautiful exotic garden ever seen!