"Is this your range? And by your suggestion I'd say you've been around guns long enough to know safety rules. Do you Have your CWP? Ever shoot at The Firing Line on Asheville hwy?"
· Campobello, United States
"Make sure when you pay your check to tell your wait person to "just put this on Richards Tab" they'll know what to do."
· Mount Juliet, United States
7.9"Yummy the gas here's delicious"
Fuel Station
· Simpsonville, United States
6.1"I warned you I was going to get this one"
"May not be the end of the earth but you can damn well see it from here!"
"E̸x̸c̸e̸p̸t̸ f̸o̸r̸ D̸r̸. B̸r̸o̸w̸n̸ I̸'v̸e̸ N̸E̸V̸E̸R̸ s̸e̸e̸n̸ s̸u̸c̸h̸ r̸u̸d̸e̸n̸e̸s̸s̸ i̸n̸ m̸y̸ l̸i̸f̸e̸!. i̸f̸ y̸o̸u̸ w̸a̸n̸na se̸e̸ a̸ g̸r̸e̸a̸t̸ s̸h̸o̸w̸ b̸e̸ h̸e̸r̸e̸ w̸h̸e̸n̸ I̸ l̸e̸a̸v̸e̸."
· Greenville, United States