The best freshly baked Napoli cornetti filled with fruits and chocolate. The best ILLY branded coffee drinks, chocolate frappe' and acai bowl. Fashionable, hip, young Cafe' #kornetti Read more
WHAT AN ESPRESSO ! they even make their own croissant called Kornetto, delicious. I had the chocolate, banana and kiwi one, The end of the world. To anyone, visit this place. small but very hip.
I love Kornetto Banana and the Frappe Ciokkolato. The coffee are also so delicious. I felt like I was drinking caffe in Italy. コルネットバナナとフラッペチョコラートが最高に美味しい! コーヒーも超美味しいくて、まるでイタリアでコーヒーを飲んでるような気になります