I like this bar because I know that even if everything change Desert stay the same. Long opening hours and little bit underground artistic atsmosphere make it just unforgettable.🌟
Desert hosted a several larps in its existence: wraith citadel as well as gangster illegal poker club. We recommend checking the back room and ordering an absinthe.
Jediný klub, kde borec v klidu odtáhne plynovou bombu, hodí ji na zem, začne lovit zapalovač a řvát "Alláhu akbar!". A k tomu vám zahraje Die Antwoord. Mám to tu rád.
Trochu zvlastni prostredi. Trochu zahuleno. Trochu trava. Trochu velke pivovary na stabilnich vycepech. Ale tez ochutnavky na trojce a pivaznaly majitel.