Also known as the Maiden's Tower, this tower built in 408 BC still stands beautifully today. Take a boat trip to this former lighthouse to admire city views from the cafe and restaurant inside.
The Maiden’s Tower is one of Istanbul’s most instantly recognizable landmarks. The name `Maiden`s Tower` has its roots in the more popular story relating a maiden`s misfortune.
One of the most popular attractions of Istanbul. Get there by boat,take a break at the restaurant, read its legendary tales at the stairs, and enjoy Istanbul's 360-degree view at the viewingplatform.
An iconic landmark on Istanbul’s skyline. The Maiden’s Tower has a rich history. Located on a tiny islet off the Asian side of Istanbul the best way to go these is taking boats from Uskudar.
II. On a marble slab in the form of medallions in yapısıdır.üst Mehmed , Sultan Mehmet II that the current form of the tower. Mahmud , calligrapher 's pen came from Rasim has a monogram dated 1832
Maiden’s Tower (Kiz Kulesi) is the symbol of Istanbul due to its unique location at the intersection point of the two continents Europe and Asia, ... Read more
The 2500-year-old Maiden’s Tower serves every meal from breakfast to dinner. You can arrive at the Maiden’s Tower with boats departing from Salacak and Kabataş. Read more
The Kızkulesi was used in The World Is Not Enough (1999) as Elektra's hideaway from where she launches her submarine and imprisons James Bond and M. Read more
According to the most popular Turkish legend, a sultan had a much beloved daughter. One day, an oracle prophesied that she would be killed by a venomous snake on her 18th birthday. The sultan, in an e Read more
Bad restoration &food smell.Better see it from outside than could have been among the 10 notable buildings people hated as eiffel is among one in Paris, you could count this one with Ritz in
Kız Kulesi, hakkında çeşitli rivayetler anlatılan, efsanelere konu olan, İstanbul Boğazı'nın Marmara Denizi'ne yakın kısmında, Salacak açıklarında yer alan küçük adacık üzerinde inşa edilmiş yapıdır.